
Rügen: Polizei finds Cabrio after the Unfall with a Schüler

Rügen: Polizei finds Cabrio after the Unfall with a Schüler

A Cabriolet in Mid-August in Prora (Insel Rügen) was driven by a 13-year old in Bremen and was lost. Now the police report an ermittlungserfolg.

More like when I’m riding on the back of a convertible in the 13th century in Bremen, the chances are high that the police are in the way, that the police have financed the car and identified the halter. It’s a matter of a man from the Insel-ridges, teilte de Polizei met.

Cabriolet – Effortless lunges for the Halter skiing

A by the Staatsanwaltschaft Stralsund-beantarte During this period the Donnerstag geführt, the multi-purpose vehicle-gefunden wurde. The convertible will certainly be sold, one of the many ways we can party for free, is that the car is equipped automatically.

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The Ermittlungen are increasingly being führt by the Halter des Fahrzeuges and are being prüft, ob dieser auch der Fahrer zur Tatzeit gewesen sein könnte.

Cabriolet driver in Prora fully visible and kind

Mid August the convertible driver let the police quietly get to the child. It is possible to remove the snake from the air that Mann makes of Unfallort. The eight-class driver from Bremen, while continuing the war, will have provoked the car driver with a gesture.

There are many ways in which a standard gauge can be used and with proper winding and a sow’s breath with a conscious Lenkbewegung it can be used directly at a young age.

This may be interesting: Beim Überholen verschätzt: Man to, Child in Lebensgefahr

If the frontal switch of the Schüler makes more meters through the air protection, before there is a ground surface to Liegen kam. Schwer verletzt wurde is with a rescue hub screw brought to the hospital. After we had received the 13-year-old Schüler from Bremen from the hospital, they were opened. (mp/dpa)