
Herrischried: 50 Kinder erlernen fußballerischen Feinschliff

Herrischried: 50 Kinder erlernen fußballerischen Feinschliff

Herrischried – An unforgettable fortified Woche. The Nachwuchskicker has fallen at Fußballcamp SG Hotzenwald/Herrischried on the Sportplatz of FC Herrischried.

The Fußballschule Schlotterbeck has four children on the Platz of FC Herrischried a Fußballcamp verantett. More than 50 children in the zwei nach Alternative train journeys can be a fun challenge on the wonderful Rasenplatz. Four trainers are ready to die as another kicker. The part takers did not only come from Hotzenwald, without resistance to the part from further away. In Birkendorf, Bad Säckingen and Wehr they had come, another Week of Spaß am Fußball, before the Monday the Ernst van de Lebens began to play. “We are happy with the weather and here we have optimal training conditions,” said the former Bundesliga professional Niels Schlotterbeck at a look at the Fußballplatz fest, which took place during a small turnout. Beim Fußballcamp would be inspired by the football qualities of the Nachwuchskicker equipment.

Technique and coordination training (Dribbling, Täuschen, fast Beinarbeit, Drehungen and Wendungen) as well as Life Kinetic (playful physical training for physical development) is in the foreground. Aber auch Lerninhalte, wie de social verhalten, der Umgang miteinander, Fairness und dass Größere kleine unterstützen, wurde von de Trainern and de Kinder vermittelt.

In the year 1959, FC Herrischried became more like 265 Mitglieder. Der Verein paints a rasenplatz and a hartplatz with flutelichtanlage. More information can be found at