
Opening – New Chapter for the City Library of St. Pölten is published

Opening – New Chapter for the City Library of St. Pölten is published

“A place for renewal without a change of heart. Man can be here, with another foundation”, the war that the city librarian plays in Theresia Radl. Communion with my team hat is probably an idea for the representation and the man that people can think of from the books. Still, Saturday, and I have died Sunday can man sich davon schon überzeugen.

Zum Auftakt des Veranstaltungsreigens am new Standort am Domplatz gab es een kurzweilige Eröffnung in Dachgeschoß der Bibliothek with Ehrengästen and a first Vorstellung der Neuerungen, with a self-reference system, the Open Library and the desired Open Library. Applause was received. Kulturamtsleiter Alfred Kellner delivered it to the Punkt: “Das Kulturjahr 2024. Einfach schön!”

The architect team Paul and Wolfgang Pfoser reported on the “first generation-transcending project”. In a house, when the debtor has opened a war, both teams can help the team to take another look at the Bildungsauftrag.

Thanks to the Mannschaft and all the people who have become beige, thanks to Bürgermeister Matthias Stadler and Landesrat Ludwig Schleritzko, there concrete: “If people die people are interested, that is their Bildung und Kultur aneignen.”

Bibliothek nun am Domplatz: Ein Ort, um Bücher lieben zu lernen

St. Pöltner City Center