
These 3 fragments were reviewed by Yale professor, with intelligent life

These 3 fragments were reviewed by Yale professor, with intelligent life

If you have found these 3 fragments, it might be wise to be intelligent

Frau schaut nachdenklich aufs Wasser: If you have 3 fresh savory opportunities, worth their weight in gold if intelligent

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Do you want to be a human being intelligent? Diesem Thema will be a Yale professor on the Grund – and will do a test with his three fragments. If you want to know which fragments are the best, who will do that?

There are several very complex methods, the intelligence is a person of the test – and tests, the IQ, also the intelligence quotients, calculate. When we go to see the Goose with one of the quiz questions, the Yale professor Shane Frederick gets the hat. Now that you have found the fragments that have defined the “Cognitive Reflection Test”, a person is described. Can you see the fragments in a correct way?

Yale professor conducted Intelligenztest with 3 fragments: “Cognitive reflection test”

  1. A Schläger and a Ball together cost 1.10 Dollar. The Schläger costs a dollar more than the ball. Who fell the price of the ball?
  2. When machines are having fun, minutes can be used for many products. Who is busy for a long time with 100 machines, um 100 products that are assembled?
  3. In a Lake Seerosen. Jeden Tag verdoppelt sich de Menge der Seerosen. Die Seerosen brauchen 48 Tage, um den gesamten See zu bedecken. How long will it take, is seeing half the sea covered?

It is true that the answers to these fragments are self-contradictory. Many people think quickly and these solutions: seven cents, 100 minutes and 24 days. The answers are incorrectly displayed, the corrected results are: five cents, five minutes and 47 days.

Who is behind the adjusted losses?

  1. If the dollar and the ball cost a cent, where the premium is only 90 cents – there is a dollar that is paid. Therefore the Schläger can cost only 1.05 Dollar and the Ball five Cents, damn this Voraussetzung erfüllt ist.
  2. If machines enjoy producing products for a minute, get a machine for a product that takes minutes. At night, 100 machines for 100 products take five minutes.
  3. If you see the sea with your Tag doubled and a Tag 48 of the gesamte See, you should see a Tag for that 48. Tag zur Halfte covered. If you use a Tag 48, you can remove the mixture – remove the correct Antwort 47 Tage.

Which is the most reliable intelligence test?

Professor Shane Frederick hates these excerpts as a psychological test. More information Proband: inspect the results of 35 different studies. Number 17 Prozent der Teilnehmenden answers all three questions correctly, and 33 Prozent gaben bei all Fragen de verkehrte Antwort. The Group of Persons, the fast de scheinbar naheliegenden, aber letztlich false Antworten gab, trades with Shane Frederick eher aus dem Bauch heraus. If the answer to the question is correct, deal with the professor himself.

With the professor’s time at the party, people with a higher IQ will find the Questions their right qualities when working with a lower one. If we have made the right choice of fragments, you know that it is so that you make the right choice and think logically about the right answer that you come across. Whoever is thought of by type, but above these analytical skills are not lost, the word does not help that intensive thinking about the problem either.

There was a problem with the test: the mathematical-logical component is now a part of intelligence. It is not that we can make more art of Klugheit, and also the talking, the emotional, the emotional or the musical intelligence. We can also make analytical analyses of those three fragments that cannot be displayed, it is not automatically possible to see whether your intelligence is one of the most common problems.

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