
Spar Baut Lager in Graz with a value of 51 million euros.

Spar Baut Lager in Graz with a value of 51 million euros.


The Lebensmittelkette Spar has remained in the Lagerstandort in Graz-Puntigam. 51 million euros are said to have been invested in the Lagerstand, so the care of 1.4 million people is secured. The know-how in Lager comes from Styria. On Friday the new Lager was opened.

Auf knapp 2500 Quadratmeter Fläche stehen überdimensional Regale, the zehn Meter in the Tiefe and 17 Meters in the high gehen. Two years in a row, the man’s Spar-Großhandels-Lager umgebaut. This is a nice experience in the Standort Graz-Puntigam with the Steirische Logistiek-Unternehmen Knapp zum Zug.

40,000 quarter meters of Lagerfläche

The re-expenditure is the speed in the storage, but is still cheaper or cheaper than the dairy products, as Gerald Hofer, Managing Director of Knapp-Logisitik. The storage room has a Platz of 12,000 Pallets, the lower storage surface amounts to ​​40,000 Quadratmeters. 180 Pallets are loaded automatically.

Photo series with 4 images

Aber ohne die Arbeitskraft Mensch does not intend: Kommissioniert wird ausschließlich händisch auf Rollbehältern. This new logistics center could reach 270 companies in Styria and South Südburgenland.

900 Workplaces visible

The energy used for the new logistics centre comes to a great extent from a photovoltaic system on the roof. This can supply 250 Haushalte with electricity for a year. At the LKW-Flotte, the herbs are put on the Treibstoff from Altspeiseöl and Altspeisefett. The Spar-Zweigniederlassung Graz is one of the Spar regional centres in Austria. The Spar food chain safely allows 900 work places at the Graz-Puntigam location. From 1965, a standard investment was made by Hans Reisch, Spar’s supervisor. This fifth stage of construction costs the Spar company 51 million euros.