
JK Rowling Easter Egg hat in “Harry Potter” cover

JK Rowling Easter Egg hat in “Harry Potter” cover

Stephen Fry (67), film star and speaker of the British Potter-Hörbücher, is one of the most hidden jokes in all Potter novels. Weil in a pregnancy brecher that did not pass the lips, while JK Rowling has been the Satz in all the new books, Fry reveals in the conversation with our editors.

“In one of the first two books it says: ‘Harry has put it in his pocket – Harry steckte is in his Tasche.’ It can’t even be a lesson, this double title: Harry pocket etititit. The tone technician has laughed behind his glass disk. Rowling war and the day not in the tone studio, I too am angry,” said Fry.

The authorization has been obtained by telephone, but it is now a matter of time before another – ohne Erfolg: “With a Breten Grinsen in der Stimme hat si mir replied: Leader has no intention. I also geübt en geübt en es am Ende aus mir rausgepresst. If you have found a band that follows the next solo, ‘Harry pocketed it’ versteckt – as a little star for me.”

More information:

Stephen Fry came to the world on 24 August 1957 as a Londoner academic child. His elite education is no longer possible. Fry flees from more boarding schools and sits with 18 years a few months away Credit cards in Knast. Then is one of the literature studies in Cambridge, where the stars Emma Thompson and Hugh Laurie (‘Dr. House’) play Theater. The comedian of the student stage with Universal-Entertainer: Fry dreht Sketche with Laurie and Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean). Shakespeare was played and Oscar Wilde sold and a mayor from the „Hobbit“ film.

Watch moderate TV shows, sit in quiz formats, present documentary films. There is most Potter novel that Sachbücher writes about the ancient Mythos and a more extensive autobiography. Our power is private – with reports of depression, suicidal problems and serious prostate problems. You can eat white and warm in the Lieblingskind of the British. On September 12, Fry is in the film film “Treasure” in the role of Auschwitz-Überlebenden to see.

Why JK Rowling in Harry Potter Text is not available

Since Rowling does not want to know much about the Word of the Manuscript, he has a pedagogical background, so Stephen Fry says: ‘One of the conditions for the Horbuch war: It must be written for the Word of the preface. Every now and then a Vocalist is asked to write, the children do not understand. But Rowling wants children to sit on the floor with the book in their heads; therefore everything has to be done precisely.

Watch the trailer for Stephen Fry’s new film “Treasure” here:

All Elders, the children of the Harry Potter school, were going to give Fry a tip on the way. If the person is no longer informed, then the figure can no longer be stimulated: “If you give your child a stimulation, it is not so grim, that your child is fragile. That has to be done slowly, like someone who is very easy on the ball at tennis: cut, don’t cut. And then: do it slowly. Experience history. Geniuses you are. As long as you are not getting through, there is so much fun to be had.”

TEASER PHOTO: dpa/picture alliance/Invision/AP