
Became an Ö3 Superfan at the Sporthilfe-Gala

Became an Ö3 Superfan at the Sporthilfe-Gala

If you don’t know, we will be able to help you with your sportsman: over the years we have gained… we will know, that’s your chance and you will have a chance!!!

October 3rd is the day Vienna City Hall the “Place 2 Be” for all sports enthusiasts! At the Sporthilfe-Gala the most successful athletes: the years before their herausragenden-ervolgge were presented with the NIKI Awards. And you can also Ö3 Super Fan there are, also “NIECE IRGENDWIE – SONDERN VIP!!!”


Rules of the game

Sports Aid Gala 2023 Stage


That is the Ö3 Superfan VIP package:

  • for 2 persons from October 3 to 4, 2024
  • Übernachtung mit Frühstück in the boutique hotel
  • Abhol-Service in VIP-Shuttle vom Hotel zur Gala
  • Red carpet
  • 2x VIP tickets for the Sporthilfe Gala
  • Gala dinner
  • Abfeiern at the NIKI-Nacht incl. Ö3-DJ😊
  • Meet & Greet with the winner:innen des Evenends
  • Leadership behind the Kulissen

Please note: Dress code!
There’s more than enough to make jeans appear in the closet. The Veranstalter has bitten an elegant Abendkleidung bzw. Dress uniform: The lady wears a formal dress, her hair is with a tuxedo (erwünscht) bzw. Dunclip Anzug mit Fliege or Krawatte appropriate clothing.

Lottery Gala Night of Sports

Sports assistance / GEPA Photo

Sportlerin and Sportler des Jahres 2023: Ski jumper Eva Pinkelnig and Radprofi Felix Gall

The categories:

  • Sports teacher of the year
  • Sporterin des Jahres mit Behinderung
  • Sportsperson of the year
  • Sporter des Jahres mit Behinderung
  • Special Olympic Games Sportlerin des Jahres
  • Special Olympic Games Sportler des Jahres
  • Team of the year
  • Trainer:in the years
  • Stepping stone: in the years
  • Athlete:in with heart
  • Sports moment of the year
  • Special price
  • Youth Sports Award

Niki Awards
Sports aid Austria