
Segel-Abenteuer Vendée Globe: Herrmann started gut

Segel-Abenteuer Vendée Globe: Herrmann started gut

Boris Herrmann and “Malizia – Seaexplorer”. A Segel boat in more photos.

Boris Herrmann and “Malizia – Seaexplorer”.

Quelle: Antoine Auriol/Team Malizia

Boris Herrmann has created a two Vendée Globe that is very impressive. “Guter Start”, connected to the “Malizia-Seaexplorer”-Skipper even travels to the crossroads of the starting line in clear wind conditions. Below you will be able to enjoy fun activities in Hamburg, which will take place during your visit. Start at 1:02 PM.

Masses at Start der Vendée Globe

Bald was brought to the Spitzen position by Franzose Paul Mailhat on “Biotherm” for the British Sam Goodchild on “Vulnerable”. Herrmann blieb in Flautenpoker played on the played Booten. If the field continues to sort, the war in the unusual wind arms of November will be over.

Das Segelboot des Deutschen Boris Herrmann at the Einhand-Weltumseglung Vendée Globe

More than enough time for the world, over 50,000 kilometers come with the Einhand-Seglerinnen and Seglern for the French Atlantic Coast for an exciting Finale. One of the Deutsche Boris Herrmann has the best chance of winning the Sieg. 28.01.2021 | 2:50 min

Be sure to take 40 Solo-Weltumsegler in Start- und Zielhafen Les Sables-d’Olonne after three wöchigem Gastspiel with Hunderttausenden Besuchern Abschied. Alain Leboeuf, president of the Vendée Globe, thanked his kurz for the start among the 34 Skippern and sechs Skipperinnen in the Alter from 23 to 65 years and my teams for “three brilliant weeks” in Race Village.

Zehntausende Zuschauer verabschieden Segler

In Dock der Rennyachten we were with the Teilnehmern of the Jüngsten Violette Dorange, the Schweizer Alan Roura or with Herrmann’s Ehefrau Birte Lorenzen-Herrmann die Tränen flossen. Only in the course of his three months were all the other families and friends in the world helped.

Boris Herrmann on his Segel boat

Vendée Globe: The heartfelt Segelregatta der Welt. Boris Herrmann op 28.000 Seemeilen rund um die Welt. Terminated images, big emotions and a dramatic ending.31.01.2021 | 42:59 min

When you start the canal, the boat starts to flow from the harbor into the starting area. With large placards, speeches and ever-increasing celebrations of jubilation for your heroes. This is how you can watch the Mitfavorit and “Charal” skipper Jérémie Beyou:

The human must transfer emotions into the channel, then it is good.

“Charal” skipper Jérémie Beyou

The Vendée-Globe-Rekord for the Kurs is a world class of 45,000 kilometers located at 74 Days, three Stunden, 35 Minuten and 46 Sekunden. This is the result of eight years of Franzose Armel Le Cléac’h.

Pressing the button does not allow you to use the best marks when carrying out the instructions. The segments that are an XXL Marathon are often not suitable for the clause. “It is one of the last large Abenteuer, which is neither gibt,” said Herrmann for the Start nor finally said.

10. Vendée Globe starts

:Who is a Franzose or Boris Hermann?

Am 10. November the best Solosegler starts in the Rennen in de Welt. Bislang has always won Franzosen. Can Boris Hermann stop the series?

by Tatyana Pokorny

Boris Herrmann winks at Boot Malizia Seaexplorer

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Quelle: Reuters

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