
VKI-Umfrage: Electrical, Möbelhandel and Energy prices regen am meisten auf – Österreich

VKI-Umfrage: Electrical, Möbelhandel and Energy prices regen am meisten auf – Österreich

Together with other European sales organizations we have 122 Tests, Reports und Markterhebungen durchgeführt.

Together with other European sales organizations we have 122 Tests, Reports und Markterhebungen durchgeführt.
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Im Vorjahr hat der Verein für Konsumenteninformation (VKI) 10,899 Telephone calls and 2,439 written online transactions carried out.

Next, 1,003 cost-saving costs and interventions at companies. Quickly a four all fragments that can cause problems when shopping and the duration of the hardware or damage explosion in the electro and electronic environment that is affected in mobile commerce. Increasingly higher demands are being placed on the energy and water supply.

Problems with all services, especially with the craftsman, are opaque and high-level. Another Schwerpunkt can yield fragments of financial services and insurances.

Electrical, Möbelhandel and Energy Prices as Aufreger laut VKI-Bilanz

The message about the financing of the VKI for the year 2023 for. Since 2023, the Unterstützung will be followed by a new Fördervertrag, which will be gold plated by the end of 2025. Dem Verein since laut dem Post 2023 maximum 3.7 Mio. Becoming a Euro-sufferer. This is a work report “BMSGPK: Durchsetzung von Verbraucherrechten” for the Bereich Recht. Here the Auftragsentgelt is 1.15 Mio. Investing euros. The VKI-übernimmt herebei the Führung von Musterprozessen ensures market control during the Abmahnungen and Verbandsklagen.

I am going to work with Food that the VKI 2023 has received the most reports on the subject of price and weight. It is one of many different weight increases or weight decreases that are performed on a net basis.

Together with other European sales organizations we have 122 Tests, Reports und Markterhebungen durchgeführt. In the area of ​​Health, Cosmetics and Toxic Dust, the Soul of the “toxic free environment” is in the center, according to the annual report.