
One Woman Show – Kulturszene Kottingbrunn: Everything clear Herr Kommissar?

One Woman Show – Kulturszene Kottingbrunn: Everything clear Herr Kommissar?

“Keine Ahnung, where my anonymous Auftraggeber, after so many years, did not want to roll up the FALL FALCO nor any. De la laufe der ermittlungen is about tatsächlich ever weitere mysterious ungereimtheiten OUT OF THE DARK.“ Written by Nici Neiss by NÖN editor Gerhard Maly.

Was the Autofall a possibility, but now that there is some insight, could Hans Hölzel save the sinking TITANIC? Welche Rolle spielten der Unterweltkönig Herr Karl und de AMADEUS- Rocker?

At the hunt, by GANZ WIEN, der KOMMISSAR trifft on 10 Ladys, met zum Beispiel: Puffmutter Domenica, Stalkerin JEANNY, the other “Fassl-Wirtin”, Busenfreundin Jacky Daniels, NACHTFLUG-begleiterin Manuele usw. … They are all busy and enjoying the life of the Sterreichische Superstars who are new and over… or no longer see their loss of the falls.

The all-round Künstlerin Neiss gebührte für dieses Stück höchste Anerkennung. Nur, if you have done some research, you can look at all the figures yourself. You have to watch in the free time, play, dance and sing those songs that fit your Falco song. On the Bühnenrückwand werden appropriate Falco-Bilder projected.

A wonderful sonntag gang, which is not staffed by Falco fans.

Nicole (Nici) Neiss

Nici Neiss was born in Wien, is a singer, singer, author and director. Study performance and song at the Conservatory and the University of Applied Sciences in Vienna and work at the Stadttheater Regensburg, Aachen, Pforzheim (1993-97), at the Landesbühne Esslingen (2002-05), the Ettlinger Schlossfestspielen, the Bad Gandersheimer Domfestspielen and more State Theater Schwerin.

Weiters am Wiener Burgtheater, den Salzburger Festspielen, in Köln (Freies Werkstadttheater), Berlin (Kleines Theater, Bar Jedervernunft, Berlins Volkstheater) in Munich (Halle 7, Teamtheater Tankstelle, Off Broadway Theater), Hamburg Theaterschiff, Stuttgart Theaterschiff, Karlsruhe (Kammertheater , Sandkorntheater) , Theater am Puls (Schwetzingen). Freie Bühne Wieden (Wien)….

See also: “Evita” (Evita), “Cabaret” (Sally), “Jesus Christ” (Mary Magdalene), “Rocky Horror Show” (Magenta), “Im Weissen Rössel” (Wirtin), “Hair” ( Sheila), “Sectret Garden” (Martha), “Der Mann von La Mancha” (Aldonza), “Der blaue Engel” (Lola), “Non(n)sens (Robert Ann/ Hubert/ Amnesia) “Babytalk” (Charlotte ), “Secretärinnen”…

Zuletzt führte Nici Neiss at “Pension Schöller” der Neuen Bühne Wien Regie. Dieses Stück wird bis einschließlich 25. Jänner 2025 in verschiedenen Orten Österreichs aufgeführt. More dazu