
Study on Feinstaub: Sauberere Luft, on gleiches Sterberisiko

Study on Feinstaub: Sauberere Luft, on gleiches Sterberisiko

The removal of damage concentration in the air stream is automatically not performed in a non-working star. It is a very international study under the leadership of the Helmholtz Zentrums München.

Dafür wurden Daten aus 380 Städten in aller Welt ausgewertet. Luftverschmutzung is no longer carried out than Millionen von Menschen. If you are concerned with the Landwirtschaft, who concretes the Weltwetter Organization (WMO) in an active message.

For the Städte-Studie, which was published in the Fachzeitschrift “The Lancet Planetary Health”, some research is being done into feinstaub and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Zahlreiche umpangreiche Studien matured de schädliche Wirkung von Luftschadstoffen.

Feinstaube is absorbed in the lungs and can be removed in the delayed reaction reaction. There is another arteriosclerosis developed and a Vorstufe von Herzinfarkt and Schlaganfall.

It is not that the direct air freshening is caused by man – Wüstenstaub and emission by the forest fire on the Beispiel. While man carries out the damage to the nutzung-fossil Brennstoffe-zurück, the feinstaub of the Abrieb von Reifen and Bremsen poses a healthy risk.

Luft wird sauberer, Sterberisiko bleibt gleich

Laut den Forschern hat de Konzentration dieser Schadstoffe in der Luft in de untersuchten Städten zwischen 1995 und 2016 abgenommen. The risk of the development of herz-kreislauf systems and the Atemorgane in the installation with feinstaub and NO2 has not decreased significantly, this is the case.

It is possible that Ursachen has differed. A number of cases were solved in some regions, and man became stronger as a youngster, such as the first of the study, Maximilian Schwarz. Others can use the Herkunft and Zusammensetzung of Schadstoffe a Role spielen.

Air pollution sales after WMO-Angaben cost more than 4.5 million for the coming years and high economic and ecological costs. There are many components present. “The chemical substances, which are a deterioration of air quality flights, became more normal with the emissions of gaseous gases”, reports the WMO. Harmful substances with solid matter compounds, Swallow compounds or Ozone can stop in the earth surface and pollute in nature.

Lightblick Europe and China

In Europe and China, the Luft has been used over the years as a long time by the WMO report. Days had forest fires in North America, which provided for particularly bad air.

The WMO has developed a different way of working on the European Land Observation Programmes Copernicus and the US Space Agency NASA with the term of the years 2003 to 2023.

You see it on a fine dust with an aerodynamic effect that is smaller than 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5). There is no problem, we will find the fine article in the end rings of the Atemweg, it will last longer and the lungs will become more durable.

Declaration for study

The analysis of the city involves an epidemiological study. These statistical data are related to the risk tower of the Feinstaub taxung and healthy Auswirkungen with Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. About the comparison of the groups, which of the mute Ursache in unterchiedlichem Maße ausgesetzt since, welding sich begründete Annahmen zu sollchen Zusammenhängen possibility.

Epidemiological research says that there are no causalities, but also not that there is an overly complex connection. Results are statistical analyses, not exact estimates of clinical identification of deaths. You may lie more if you don’t lie.

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