
What was everything?

What was everything?

I started Ahrntal with the Graukäse-Tage. Two German Bauerinnen and Senner present their production in Steinhaus. Eröffnet wurde die Woche am Nachmittag with ersten Vergleichsverkostung in Vereinshaus. A long meal in a Dutzend Restaurants in the Seltenen Kase an. For all your young customers – including Spitzenrestaurants – you have completed the action.

Im Ahrntal gibt is active with 40 products. The Graukäse-Herstellung has become a more interesting Zusatzverdienst for many Bergbauern and Bäuerinnen. Slow Food brought out the contents: Seit der Graukäse auf de List des Best Offers für Lebensmittel-gesetzt, oversteigt de Nachfrage de Produktion, messages die Hersteller.

Grey grain can no longer be used

Mid-week the Ahrntaler Graukäse-Produzenten drive on the most important cheese knives in- and outside of the country and sent in the big Italian kitchen and that could happen. The self-esteem has risen, say the Ausrichters of the Ahrntaler Graukäse-Days. When it is so far, the event has become an international event.

At the Ahrntaler GrauKäseGibt is the Möglichkeit, the different producers of Graukäse will know, beim “Kasn” about the Schulter zauen and Graukäse in all Variations in teilnehmenden Restaurants & Geschäften zu try. Here is the program.