
These Ladys are changing the Kunstwelt!

These Ladys are changing the Kunstwelt!

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These Ladys are changing the Kunstwelt!
Wollen nicht nur rode, sondern machen: (from left) Eva Lengler, Christiane Gorzalka, Cordula Gielen and Helena Ernst, die Leiterinnen des Frauennetzwerks SALOON Munich. © Saloon Munich

Beim internationalen Frauennetzwerk SALOON kommen Ladys from the Art Industry sister. Ein Besuch in SALOON Munich.

It is however so: Eight happy women and a happy man sit together at the table and it is said for all – eh. Men can no longer do this. A woman who no longer wants to, can do a few things that are not good. So it is so cheerful that men and women spend their time in a conversation that tolerates another pleasure. And if we have art relations, while we have never enjoyed one of the 30 Percent (!) of the Ladys-gibt, it was really a great effort, a woman without the manly Blick together and another strong can. Good News: It is she. And: Every woman, the art relation is active, can be that he is done.

For three years Eva Lengler and Christiane Gorzalka have been founding in the SALOON in Munich. It is the 13th anniversary of the 2012 Tina Sauerlander in Berlin in the life-giving network of women. Also in Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Paris or London come in the jewelry SALOONS that meet regularly, one of the most important developments in Job, to speak about professional visions and to discuss each other. “It is not that the system is being heated up. You have to make a choice for your own taste and sense: Hello, here is something!”, said Eva Lengler. The art historical works of Christiane Gorzalka in the Auktionshaus. Unermüdlich no longer votes in the SALOON Munich. We live with the restorer Helena Ernst and Cordula Gielen, Project Manager in Hirmer Verlag, who have worked with us in the past.

The women in the SALOON are a little different

Trifft man sich mit jehnen, erlebt man four enthused and enthused young women, who have no desire, only to reason. Die mechanically. With the gun a woman? Denn “Saloon” – the man who owes his happiness in the Wild West. „That has certainly not been restored so far. Tina Sauerländer has used the American Saloon for August and the Salonmalerei of 19 years. Jahrhunderts – both worlds, in the women have no entrance. Only as models or prostitutes”, Eva Lengler explains. The network is inspired by the idea, that women who are given space, the art world is new. By solidarity, visible competence and honest exclusion.

I am a SALOON that has a classic style, that has a personal involvement here. All four women are a means for the organization of the monthly responsible meeting. “The idea is, that is one of the things you can do during the voorstelt”, Christiane Gorzalka explains. Helena Ernst has taken on the task of damaging the Arbeitsstätte in the Neuen Sammlung presentation. If you make a choice yourself, it may be that your own restoration studio takes a few years. The SALOON Munich war for this Entscheidung not at all unwichtig. If you are 70 women, then you are quickly 70 years old, but you can get the best reviews from your own positive experiences, then it is orderly.

Strong Truck: one of the 70 members of the Munich Saloon during the summer festival.
Strong Truck: One of the 70 members of the SALOON Munich during the summer festival. © Saloon Munich

That’s it, it was the four so motivated, Week for week a newsletter is writing, new companionship requests to work on, all two weeks to meet, a plane to forge. “With the SALOON Munich a Safe Space has been created, while the woman continues, her return and comes into the common idea”, says Cordula Gielen. Lengler nickt: “I was often surprised by our unknown companions, ist: When there first a group of people stood and spoke about their own robbery, it was so that they were in their lives. When a man realizes: Das mach’ ich en das mach’ ich en das kann ich auch, and the reactions of the Leute erlebt, die dirspiegeln:, Wahnsinn, du bist ja der Knaller!’, then a step has been taken in a Prozess in Gang. Das Selbstbewusstsein wait.”

And be that as it may, when another woman was a loner, her advice was night gut wäuft beruflich. Or in any case, if you are in the Vergangenheit hat, the others can avoid können. If you separate the SALOON from such a manchem Frauentzwerk, it is increasingly a beautiful Schein at the eisgekühltem Champagner as a real Netzwerken geht. “We don’t drink coffee and drink our net from art,” says Gorzalka. “That’s a good and bad way to act, but our SALOON is a professional network that works. Ein Austausch auf Augenhöhe with Frauen unterschiedlicher kunstbezogener Bereiche.”

It’s been eight years since you’ve been to the Auswahl of the Mitglieder, but it may be that there are more Disziplinen coming, from the Juristin in his Historikerin. There was a part of the time that the network was there, there was nothing wrong, something had happened. Interests schicken a motivational writing, in their explanations, was she a little possible.

In the SALOON Munich I watch the mitglieder über sich hinaus

After the veranstaltung has started playing and sweating, the intensive Austausch begins. Eva Lengler has seen Mal mit Freuden, while she is past her peak. „People, the light of the light under the scheffel has had a little power in the system, it is so that the solidarity in the SALOON Munich comes with a little bit out of the situation, which is bad where they were. Genau soll das bein.“

I am a group that is constantly working towards the abolition of the SALOONS. “Wir wollen, dass Frauen de gleichen Platz in der Kunstwelt haben. We buy wool from one piece for the kitchen. If all else fails, there will no longer be a man who will eat half the dish. Und die Kirschen!”, laughed Lengler. It is possible that you will squish into the tube at some point. “If the Suffragettes said that: ‘Dürften we were able to fall into line, if we did not have any strong power?’, we would not have been able to move forward.’

Deswegen walked, liebe Ladys: Beim SALOON Munich findet man Gleichgesinnte, Türöffnerinnen, manchmal einfach: Frust-Ableiter. And in all other SALOON-Städten Anknüpfungspunkte. Neulich war Eva Lengler beruflich in Hamburg. “I think the Dortige SALOON chef spontaneously started a vernissage presentation.” There is no silliness here. Stattdessen: beeindruckend Pferdestärke fell. Who joined the SALOON Munich might have been a motivation letter and [email protected]