
Michael Walter drives 12 meters into the tiefe

Michael Walter drives 12 meters into the tiefe

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Michael Walter drives 12 meters into the tiefe
Good fun, sporty and conversational: this is how great Michael Walter is. The sea of ​​a signaler Stirn is aber an Erinnerung and signals Sturz in a Bahngleis for eleven years. © Markus Ostermaier

The war is a cleaner ending, which ends in catastrophe. Michael Walter is the eleven-year-old Jahren from sultry meters in the stylized tiefe. But there is still life in it that is safe.

A conversational, positive spirited family with technical commitment, with the support of Swedish-Urlaub erzählt – so experienced man Michael Walter heute. A narbe on the seiner Roer is a visible erinnerung and a dunkles Kapitel seines Lebens. Der 45-Jährige erlitt voor eleven Jahren bei een Unfall schwerste Verletzungen. The war is not even as simple as the fight against the fight. After Walter spent the years, he was kämpft in his life. Manche Beinträchtigungen bliben ihm allthings für immer.

Leidenschaftlicher Fahrradfahrer

Aufgewachsen is Walter in Freimehring im Kreis Mühldorf. The Erdinger Land has not been there since 2003. They spent a long time working with the gelernte Schlosser in Forstern as Schweißer. In the book that continued in 2020 with Frau Sandra, there was a celebrity in 2011 and an heir in 2017, with Sohn Vitus (6). The leading Fahrradfahrer started as a young Mann major Touren entrepreneur, in 2009 on the Jakobsweg with 2000 Kilometers. My Bio-Bike from San Francisco has been damaged in New York for two years. Nur wenige Abschnitte der 6500 Kilometers langen Route fuhr Walter damals per Anhalter.

On December 8, 2013, life on the Kopf is over. With two friends, the Tollwood Winter Festival in Munich is fun. It was a jolly evening, so much fun to drink floss. Walter said in his conversation with an unhealthy time that he had been given a “strong alcoholic drink”. Only because he is on the back road where a next thought came to mind. At the U-Bahn station Max-Weber-Platz, Walter finds Walter on the Edelstahl-Treppengeländer Richtung Bahnsteig route. There is a lot of weight and a solid meter in the depth of the weight.

Michael Walter slams 12 meters into the deep: the end of a party

There were so many passers-by on Stelle, the Walter from the Gefahrenbereich Holten and Erste Hilfe slates. None of this can happen anymore. “These moments are gone forever. If there is no answer, but I am under Schock“, says that there are minutes after the Sturz. Im Klinikum Rechts der Isar sich das Ausmaß seiner Verletzungen: Schädel-Hirn-Trauma dritten Grades mit Hirnblutungen, offener Oberschenkeltrümmerbruch, Gesichtsschädeltrümmerbruch, twee gebrochene Wirbel, divers Quetschungen.

“My face was basically completely broken. I have now 80 scratches,” Walter explains. There is so much fun in the furthest and part of the operation that the Hirndruck does. In the following weeks follow more complexity, more simple operations.

The war is unclear, but the war is unclear

The war is unclear, but the Bucher can be hindered – or even dominate. If a miracle has done a miracle, it is in 14 days time that it comes to a miracle, while the schädeldeck will be a little different. At the time in the hospital Walter has such a feeling of no memories. The only image that I have in the crowd is that it is Feuerwerk and Silvester, it is a Krankenzimmer from the closet.

I am Rollstuhl with Walter in January 2014 in a neurological Frührehaklinik in Bad Aibling. Now that a month has passed since the recovery period: If we were to have a secret relationship, there was an epileptic attack – “a Kurzschluss in der Rechtenhälfte”. Walter doesn’t have to operate. It is true that on the right the Schädeldeck is found and replaced by a Titan implant. The OPs were published and Walter continued his treatment at the Buchberg-Klinik in Bad Tölz.

The war is damned civilized, it may be that you are training. The canines are ‘right on the head’. And if I can no longer use my link, the contact with my company has never started again. ” Stride must be learned again, absolutely Thought training with names and telephone numbers, build muskels on, for everything in the legs. At the end of 2014, an outpatient neurological rehabilitation treatment began in Pasing.

My face was completely broken into it. I would like to drink 80 drinks.

Among the heute 45 years of work life. Weil Sein Sehvermögen Seit Dem Unfall Nur Noch 50 Prozent Beträgt, Konnte Er Nicht Mehr Als Schweißer Arbeiten. He also started an outside education and training program in October 2015. The costs of 200,000 euros for the interest payment. In a Würzburger Einrichtung for (partly) blind people, they were brought into contact with the basic knowledge of tipping their fingers with their fingers.

This is the next step towards neuro-orientation as a repair mechanism: I started a new job at Gewo in Hörlkofen in March 2018. With about 50 percent behind me, Walter is offended in the company, engages himself as a hampered entertainment of the Betriebsrat. And yet another beautiful honorary success 2018: the birth of Son Vitus. Mrs. Sandra, who is on her page after seeing Unfall, is the booker for the Unterstützung an endless gratitude. On the long path of healing on his page were zudem his mother and his piggy parents.

It is one of the best things – among them is glücklich

Weil believes that the car can no longer drive, but that the age of 45 is a Tag to Arbeit. The insgesamt 14 Kilometers is best prepared in the winter at least 18 degrees: “I may choose the best of my own, because and whoever I come into that work.”

It is not possible to enter more data. Walter has never been so fast, it takes a long time and is strong in his eyes. Outside it can’t take longer. Coffee, chips, freshly cut grass – all these dishes are good. “Man has gotten into trouble over time, but I have lost my einigermaßen. Man vermisst das Gefühl des Riechens mit der Zeit etwas”, said.

One of the Unfallabend thinks that Walter only rarely goes back. It is considered the time and humor that is there. The alcohol consumption of Abend is a man who says that gratitude is not dominant. It may be that it is no longer so. ” The alcohol is no more than a seltenes Genussmittel. Walter said that he was himself, while he felt under a glücklich sei, zurück in Leben zu sein. “And when I am my best friend, everything is so good. ”