
Watch the next Backstroke Riff at Tiger Woods

Watch the next Backstroke Riff at Tiger Woods

Golf icon Tiger Woods has a Freitag game with a different Eingriff on his back. Due to a single clamp The nerves in the back can be used in a microdecompression operation, part of the 48 years at X mit. The minimally invasive Vorgang is active at the Hospital for Special Surgery in West Palm Beach/Florida.

“The operation went very well and I am satisfied, that is the Rückenkrämpfe und Schmerzen Lindern Wird, die ich während des Großteils der Saison 2024 hatte”, where Woods said: “I freue mich darauf, die Reha in Angriff zu nehmen en mich darauf vorzubereiten , zurückzukehren zu normal Lebensaktivitäten, eenschließlich Golf.”

In those years, the slow listener and 15 evil Major-Sieger is completely offended by Turnieren. Once in the first round, a dreamy jump is the cut – which becomes a bislang during the British Open in July.

Over the course of 20 years, the forest must go through the operation, for everything in the back. The last major cut became a car crash 2021, while they deliver the best results.