
The Wirtschaftskrise hat tiefe Spuren behind welding

The Wirtschaftskrise hat tiefe Spuren behind welding

Auf Messers Schneide: Die economic Erholung in Sri Lanka bleibt gefährdet

Dinuka Liyanawatte / Reuters

Sri Lanka’s economy has been caught in the deep crisis for two years. As a result of corruption, legal protection and failing investments abroad, you are setting up the infringement. The amount of the poor could be more like doubled.

Sri Lanka’s economy has the worst behind it. After the dramatic criticism during the second year, which quickly led to the collapse of the economy, the low is stabilizing again. Benz is no longer sustainable, the supermarkets are full and inflation has risen to only 2.4 percent in June. Thanks to the International Income Fund (IWF), on the month of March 2023, a credit worth one billion dollars, wants the state to deliver financial results. President Ranil Wickremesinghe decided in September to choose the Erholung as coarser Erfolg Seiner Regierung.

But the Einbruch have strong Spuren behind welding. “The economics of society is enlightening when we go to Strassen Colombo,” says Iromi Perera, who heads the Denkfabriek Colombo Urban Lab in Sri Lanka’s main city, which works with the city council and social security. «Seit August 2022 since Nahrungsmittel um 90 Prozent teurer Become. Strom kostent heute dreimal so veld, de Strompreise sind die hochsten in Südasien. Be sure to do everything you want, or work in Tagelohn.»

If you make a living making money, one of the best things you can do is buy your way through the Krise Tuktuks or Motorräder, says Perera. If you have money, it’s worth making your money. Die Hauptlast der Schuldenkrise tragen die Unter- und die Mittelschicht. In the Folge hat sich die Zahl der Personen under de armutsgrenze zwischen 2019 und 2023 von drei auf siben Millionen more als verdoppelt.

In January 2024, the official poverty line in Sri Lanka was 17,014 Rupees, equivalent to 50 Francs in the United States. It is a matter of a Sri Lankan woman who was born on 50 Francs in the United States. So, for example, plantation workers earn three Francs for the working day. If the Directorate of the Taglohn in May is aware of Franks, the Teeproducers will take advantage of one of the high Lohn works that are in the Ruin.

President Rajapaksa has plunged the country into crisis

The Experience of the Economy is not fresh, and the Memory and the Crisis are not fresh. Started with the bloody attacks on Muslim extremists at the Easter Sunday 2019, which cost over 250 people and played the important tourism on the island zum Erliegen. The Presidential election in November transferred Gotabaya Rajapaksa and the Power, the young brother of the former Presidents Mahinda Rajapaksa, of the country from 2005 to 2015 as director.

The Singhalese Wähler longs for a strong president after the Anschlägen of the Islamists, and the Hardliner Gotabaya verspach Sicherheit. When the foreign ministers encounter the Krieg, the Tamil separatists are führt with little heart. Zehntausende tamilische Zivilisten were received in the Endphase of the Civil War 2009. Gotabaya has political power and a position of power in the Zweifelhaften Beratern.

After the Wahl has helped the chairman of the Board of Directors, there is talk of a. The Mehrwertsteuer is from 15 Prozent to 8 Prozent, other Steuern are completely attached. The budget deficit is from 9.6 Prozent des Bruttosozialprodukts 2019 to 12.2 Prozent in Year 2021. The government debts are in the Zeitraum of 87 to 106 Prozent des Bruttosozialprodukts an. Weil in der Folge de Notenpresse was recruited, erreichte the Inflation 2022 bis 70 Prozent.

A protester held a portrait of former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapak's head fuber after the first government session in July 2022.

A protester held a portrait of former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapak’s head fuber after the first government session in July 2022.

Eranga Jayawardena / AP

Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa (right) speaks with his son Namal Rajapaksa at the Chairman's Office on September 21.

Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa (right) speaks with his son Namal Rajapaksa at the Chairman’s Office on September 21.

Chamila Karunarathne / EPA

There is a Volksaufstand, Gotabaya Rajapaksa must fly out of the country in July 2022 and withdraw his trip. The new speaker of parliament, Ranil Wickremesinghe, is a malicious prime minister and a slow politician. The constitution can put an end to the function mandates in the Amt-stay. On 21. September, the selection must now be made. The chance of a reselection is slight.

The Bevölkerung has a high price

If you want, the largest part of the investment is a high price in the critical hat. Also the middle bracket has bitten Wickremesinghe to the cash register. So setzte is the higher value tax of 8 to 18 percent revived. The income tax is very high and the amount of tax obligations grimly waived. If you follow the direction of the middle bracket below the poverty line. Do not let the state treasury go over the costs of the alternative remediation. The following steps are wise in nature to pay interest for the state remediation.

The economic power of the South Asian state is one of the best of the Asian Development Bank in the 2022 crisis year, 7.8 percent and 2023, and further 3 percent shrunk. In 2024, the Bank is now working on a moderate growth of 1.3 percent. At the same time, the debts remain high. Pay the debts in the interior and in the east of the country at the end of September 2022 to 81 billion dollars, in March 2024 to 100 million dollars.

The International Relief Fund, which in June conducted the tranche of the Hilfskredits in the Sri Lankan economy, will follow the Anlass festival, the road will go to a tragfähige debt burden on the Messers Schneide: “The judicial power of the reform organization and the debt burden is a debt that is separated from each other Bedeutung, one of the Wirtschaften on the Road of a problem and the debt burden that you have to bring.»

Many problems in Sri Lanka are a great power

From the perspective of Sri Lankan-born economist Shanta Devarajan, many of the problems are at stake. So in 1978, the liberal liberalization of the economy became profitable, in 2000, the trade liberalization was no longer of the professor for international business at Georgetown University and a presentation in Colombo. A law from 1958, which began on the great flat journey, was discovered by the financial world Ertrag is essentially lower than with other agricultural products.

The debts in Sri Lanka are so bad that they have built up 60 percent of the four single-family homes in their childish private private law, says the former head chef of the Weltbank for the region Naher Osten and North Africa, Africa and South Africa. One of the poverty investments makes a profit for all the tribes of the ruling party, while half the family lives below the poverty threshold.

A primary school is a free enterprise in a northern village school of Colombo.

A primary school is a free enterprise in a northern village school of Colombo.

Eranga Jayawardena / AP

View plantations in the sector and earn big money when you use Franken pro Tag.

View plantations in the sector and earn big money when you use Franken pro Tag.

Rebecca Conway / Getty

Due to the crisis, the household debt is 22 percent, which is 55 percent today. Economist Nishan de Mel, director of Think Tanks Verite Research, said: “There is a problem that the right people could not be paid. It creates enormous injustice. So just go in the Finanzjahr 2022/2023 tax levies at a height of 3.2 billion dollars. These gratuity gifts were often taken out of self-interest and were linked to corruption.”

The Umstellung der Visavergabe is a Debakel

Corruption is commonplace. If you want to apply for a visa for Sri Lanka in younger times, you will be informed on the affiliated website, which happened on August 2. Unfortunately, visas are only issued at the Colombo airport during the summer months. In the April war, mobile phones are used for electronic visa declarations. The system is easy to operate and can function without a wall function. Mobile phones can call on a dollar for a visa.

On April 17th a dubious Consortium appears that goes up. The money that is now worth 25 dollars is what happened. The Minister of Tourism says, there is information or consultation, the sister of the Minister for Public Security who hinges, the Cabinet chose the last time. It is possible that the consortium invests 200 million dollars in a migration office with technical support and software that is supported. I am vertrag war davon aber keine Rede more.

After you have filed a complaint, you will have the first opinion of the Vertrag aus. Now that we are at the airport in Colombo we will be waiting for more information, as well as the travel association. Alarm: The Ankünfte went en masse to Zurück, and the Buchungen liefen schlecht. This means that they will be able to regulate their business and be informed from 1 October onwards that citizens of 35 countries will be able to travel with a visa in Switzerland and Germany. If the tourists for the flight wait a long time, the visa waiver will take place by sofort in Kraft on September 2.

Corruption is the Schmiermittel der Politik

“In Sri Lanka, corruption has arisen through politics,” says Nishan de Mel. ‘It is a very big credit and credit crisis, a political problem with the debt burden. I have no ambitions at the moment, but that will be the case.» In addition to the state services with the electricity works, the wasserversorgung, the Eisenbahn and the Sri Lankan Airlines suffer among the companies. In der Folge, the billions of debts have become serious.

Corruption and legal protection apply to the foreign money to Sri Lanka flights. “In 2009, the criticism of the problem no longer started with the investors who have no turnover in the direction”, said Nishan de Mel. It is not possible to make foreign director investments, but there is no question of wisdom and know-how.

After the research of Iromi Perera, the IWF is a problem with the problems. There is no priority given to the flow of health care and the image, which is most visible for the long term of the enterprise. This Meinung sets itself in Sri Lanka zunehmend durch. Nishan de Mel found that the IWF has made its analyses more transparent. Man can label the Ankuurbelung of the Wirtschaft, which discusses all its social interests.

There will be a change in the IWF that will affect the West

The sociologist and the economist Ahilan Kadirgamar are not critical: “The people were now on the way. When you are ready, you will experience these magical things. From 2025 to 2026 it was a party that it was no longer possible.” The people are in Eindruck, the West of the IWF full support. A reaction was carried out on the IWF roads that the Sparmassnahmen used, which are so oriented in the West.

The tens and the university Jaffa are pessimistic in the Zukunft. There is a problem with the economic enterprise that can relieve the tension in politics and that is less focused, but it is a warning. “Without the Sinhalese nationalists of the West will arise the debts, the polemic of the country can polarize and thus become Tamils ​​​​and Muslims.”