
PFF will perform again in Eupen

PFF will perform again in Eupen

“If we see that the war lasts longer and longer, the investments in this city will be financed, the city is not attractive and life-worthier, but our Mitbürger in Eupen and Ketten is safe and well-informed,” said Mr. Ralph Lentz, a leader of the former section president Ralph Lentz, who introduced Grundsätzliches in Erinnerung. Make sure that the Zielsetzung is focused on the active Wahlprogram of the PFF. So if you look at the themes of Security and Quality of Life of the Eckpfeilern, with the liberals at the Eupener Wahlern points may. It will not be long before the Leitsätze with „economic and tourism promotion“, such as „financial and scientific figures“ of society, is no longer traditionally the political DNA of the PFF. A new Duftmarke will be part of a rigid focus on one of the best city plans. And also in the theme of communication the liberal new accents want to set. “Clear communication for a better community” is one of the most common things that is one of the best ways to do business, with more transparency and a better solution.

If the PFF manpower is one of the achievements of the Schwerpunkt activities, it may be that they are available in the Vorfeld branches. So let the liberals start their year by clarifying to the listeners, if the lead candidate of Lucas Reul (33) has public power. On the side, with Joëlle Birnbaum-Köttgen on the square, two newcomers stand, who after their own exit wanted political responsibility – speak a master’s office – to be superseded. With Michael Scholl on the square, who put the PFF “on the face of the city of Eupen”, who is cleared. The long term of Construction and Mobility Tools has a happy-go-lucky look, nor another time of office as Tools “dranhängen” of wool, one of his projects begins with a good ending.

It is in the PFF Series that the annual Mehrheitsbeteiligung in Eupen is not a self-determination and another political ambition, power at the Luistervorstellung Ralph Lentz deutlich: “Our soul is, after all, not only to listen to the new Mehrheit anzugehören, without also the Mayor to.” Lucas Reul, so his Einschätzung, found the right way to deal with the questioning of the Citizens and paint over the insignificant Durchsetzungsvermögen, one after Fred Evers and Karl-Heinz Klinkenberg of three Eupen Mayors from the PFF Series who were. “We have a good program and a reforming list”, Schloss Ralph Lentz has lobbied – and has received a loud applause from Mitstreiter here.

The Eupen PFF team has a new face. Of the 27 candidates who want to do something for the liberals in the city, 19 started months ago. The youngster of life is Valentine Evers (25), the oldest vertreter, Manfred Kärcher, who has played “zarte” for 73 years. All three “infachen” of the der Zeitigen PFF city faction – Raphaël Post, Jenny Baltus-Möres and Céline Schlenter-Schunck – introduce themselves when they look at Wahl. Great hopes rest now auf einem Newcomer is an end to the Candidate Fields. Ewald Broichhausen is busy with the role of the listeners. The 62-year-old unternehmer is a known face in Eupen. Or whoever is a selber at the Vorstellung am Freitagabend says: “I am a bunter Hund – im positiven Sinne”.

Gleichwohl must look at the Partei auf de Unterstützung zweier letztmaliger Stimmengaranten. Philippe Hunger, 2018 as a leading candidate for the PFF and his Erster Schöffe, sees himself in the Kommunalpolitik zurück. Diesen Schritt hat Kattrin Jadin will be ready for 2022, a new job as Verfassungsrichterin antireten zu können.

These are the PFF candidates:

1. Lucas Reul (33)

2. Joëlle Birnbaum-Köttgen (36)

3.Michael Scholl (58)

4. Jenny Baltus-Möres (41)

5. Raphaël Post (44)

6. Stephanie Hansen (39)

7. Knut Lenz (45)

8. Ursula Köttgen (67)

9. Ralph Schröder (45)

10. Wasiliki Kokkota (52)

11. Alain Lamberty (48)

12. Nadine Emonts swimming pool (44)

13. Daniel Dispas (44)

14. Indra Peters (28)

15. Raphaël Pelzer (33)

16. Céline Schlenter-Schunck (47)

17. Pierre Simon (70)

18. Semra Bosnjak (33)

19. Eric Cautaerts (55)

20. Nicole Enders (62)

21. Peter Nyssen (66)

22. Heike Schulzen (47)

23. Donovan-Jason Niessen (31)

24. Christian Sarlette (59)

25. Manfred Kärcher (73)

26. Valentijn Evers (25)

27. Ewald Broichhausen (62)