
Kunst unterm „Seufzerbaum“ – Rebecca Horn gestorben

Kunst unterm „Seufzerbaum“ – Rebecca Horn gestorben

Rebecca Horn has been internationally active for the longest time as Aushängeschild der Gegenwartskunst, in Deutschland kam der Ruhm später. At 80 years old, the brilliant Schöpferin is busy acquiring objects.

“Hauchkörper als Lebenszyklus” – so this is one of the last examples of Rebecca Horn. A work that is done in a natural way: In a Bronze-Abdruck ihrer Schuhe, his two meter high filigree brass rods, even from the pillars, move. After a Schlaganfall 2015 with Horn in Rollstuhl.

Horn since the end of 80 years, said Peter Raue, President of the Horn Gegründeten Moontower Foundation, of the German Press Agency. The latest news from the Kunstmagazine “Monopol”.

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Hoorn sees people as part of their art

With a poetic, lightning-fast and often nervous work that the geburtige Hessin creates in his good skills. Through the Federgewänder and Korsettkleider, the Lärmmaschinen or the politically charged Raum installations – while you get to work with the Betrachter Raum, you can weld and the Fantasy of Reis on schicken.

The Installation “Hauchkörper” since the year 2017 (Archivbild) photo alliance/dpa | Sven Hoppe

The Installation “Hauchkörper” since the year 2017 (Archivbild)

“Bei meinen Ausstellungen oder Filmen, die Menschen Teil meiner Bilder”, said Horn in a dpa-Gespräch zu ihrem 70. Geburtstag gesagt. “Nicht nur sie move sich, sondern auch myine Skulpturen. A plötzlich started in a dream mirror and became part of these creative processes.”

Ihre Karriere started in a clinic

Start everything with a clinical study in the Studiums. Once the isolation after a long breath and the Tod der Eltern, Horn starts with the Schreiben and Zeichnen. The human body, Eros and Tod, Gewalt and Trauer became their leitmotif.

The first is a long hand-held finger with balsaholz, a comfortable, large arm prosthesis, which is comfortable on the ground – and the “Einhorn” (1970), a workable piece: A nackte Frau, now in Bandagen, crying with a meter-long white stitch upside down by a woman Getreidefeld.

Ihr Markenzeichen were “beseelte Maschinen”

1972 horn as first part taker first time at the Documenta in Kassel part. If you see the first film, your performances are documented. Statistical machines can be used if they use machines, while they work by hand. From positions such as handles, suitcases, keyboards, rods, metal hammers, spiral signs and pump stations he creates sculptures that are constantly in motion.

Horn installation “Die Stämme der Bienen unterwandern die Maulwurfsarbeit der Zeit” in the year 1999 in Weimar. (Archive image) photo alliance / ZB | Ralf Hirschberger

Installation with musical instruments
Horn installation “Die Stämme der Bienen unterwandern die Maulwurfsarbeit der Zeit” in the year 1999 in Weimar. (Archive image)

“Les Amants” (Die Liebenden, 1991) is a construction that produces a Mischung from Champagner and Tinte an die Wand – as a symbol for the Black Rain. For the purpose of sorting out the space-filling “Schildkrötenseufzerbaum” (1994), including the motor tools and the complaining sounds.

Daneben entstehen Arbeiten am historicen Ort: In Münster öffnete sie mit der Installation „Das gegenläufige Konzert“ 1987 einen vergessenen Turm, the Gestapo was finally prepared for torture and hints. In Weimar in 1999 the European Cultural Center Europas “Konzert für Buchenwald” was opened: In a Straßenbahndepot schüttet you can see behind Glass four-Zymeter-long Wände aus Asche auf.

Rebecca Horn studied in Hamburg, among other places

Born in 1944 as a textile manufacturer in Odenwald, Horn studied at art schools in Hamburg and London. More if they would spend a year in New York, or in Paris. In 1989 he quickly began swimming at the University of the Arts in Berlin – as the first professor in this institution.

A single installation on the beach of Barcelona 2023. (Archivbild) imageBROKER/PetrxSvarc

Installation on the beach
A single installation on the beach of Barcelona 2023. (Archivbild)

The American Guggenheim Museum became a major retrospective in 1993, which went as a walking tour through Europe. The world goes from New York to London, from Paris to Tokyo more than 100 productions in the Werks, 2006 at the Berliner Martin-Gropius-Bau. In 2010, the Japanese Imperial Praemium became one of the most renowned art prizes in the world.

This may be interesting: Zerstörte Welt: Hamburg and Seine Synagogues

2007 you can look at your personal situation in a community: In southern Bad König, you can enjoy this fresh family life with your own family. As the Moontower Foundation has taken over the care of its work, young artists will lay their foundations. It is a war for the precious that brings “slowly, fast recovery” to life.

Fear of the fact that it is not so that you did the dpa at the Geburtstags interview. “I have helped my connection to Buddhism. Man is part of a process, which takes even longer.” (dpa/mp)