
Sat.1 did not start Mockridge-Show | 08.09.24

Sat.1 did not start Mockridge-Show | 08.09.24

After the Para-Sportsman noticed a show by Komikers Luke Mockridge from the program on Saturday 1, he was noticed.

Sat.1 will be visible on the new show “Was ist in der Box?” am 12. September not to start, teilte ein Sprecher mit. You can read the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” and the “Bild” message.

“These positive people are able to support people and para-athletes, even if they are people that are right, they are not able to benefit from it,” the speaker said. Mockridge didn’t learn much, it was everything that was done wrong. There is a guilty debt.

We read about the Speaker: “We shall see Luke Mockridge find a way, as he follows the Guilty Facts on the axes and the Theme in the Sin of Man with Backstory and in the Sin of all Para-Athletes and Sportsmen, who have impressed and bewitched us from Paris with his Achievements, continue to work on.”

In a podcast of the 35-year-old athletes and athletes of the sport in Paris, who a Sonntag zu Ende gehen, verhöhnt. “It is the man who has his arms and arms, the man in a Becken – and we have been winning as Letzter”, said Mockridge in the podcast “Die Deutschen” among other things said. The talk was ready Mitte August veruittlicht.

Greater criticism and a harsher statement are the athlete’s fault. “Selbstverständlich was nie myine Absicht, Menschen with Behinderung ins Lächerliche zhen – besonders während dieser großartigen Paralympische Spiele,” wrote Mockridge on Instagram.

“As a result of my own experience with the work behind the people behind it, I always have a good sense of humor, there is a lot of humor, and I feel good about it. This is because my work is not good, but the result is valuable, and because the people are lost, my work is guided” , Schrieb er: “Es fuckt mich ab, dass Medien zum Ende dieser Paralympische Spiele more over my speech and not over the Turnier.”

Scharfe Kritik von Silver Medalist Niko Kappel

The employer is the biggest: Die nach een Trainingsunfall in Rollstuhl sits in the Swede-Olympiad-baan of Kristina Vogel who comments on the social networks that Aussagen and bezeichnete are as “unfassbar”. Kugelstoß-Weltmeister and Paris-Silbermedaillenginner Niko Kappel erklärte auf dpa-Infrage: “Luke Mockridge and their two have entered the fight, the contempt for humanity, ignorance and peace of mind have never been Paralympic. They can no longer play their game as an athlete and no longer play e Gold-Candidates have been.”

Before the Deutsche Behindertensportverband (DBS) was found guilty of the attack with an application for Mockridge reaction. “When we see Para-Sport live, it is a fact that the Leistungen Menschen with the back in the Lage Sind – and a reinforced, bereicherung for an unsere Gesellschaft is.” The comedian is crazy about it, that there is a “sehr gerne” annehmen wolle. There is no problem with the perspective and learning to be active.

The chairman of the Berlin rehabilitation and rehabilitation associations would have made Mockridge’s Stellungnahme a culprit and a “Entgleisung sondergleichen. Das kan weder als Comedy nor als bloße Dummheit abgetan”, says Özcan Mutlu der Deutschen Presse-Agentur: “Solche reabwürdigenden erungen sin absolut inakzeptabel und verdien scharfe Verurteilung.” Mockridge is the best solution.
