
Tischlerin auf Tour: Wecken Lust am Handwerk

Tischlerin auf Tour: Wecken Lust am Handwerk

Julia Spielvogel is a craft influencer

Young people may not resume manual work. Dafür besucht si mit ihrem Camper Schulen in ganz Deutschland – ehrenamtlich.09.09.2024 | 1:15 minutes

Mitten auf dem Schulhof a Ganztagsschule in Chemnitz steht an umgebauter Camper with a hook-up fuller Maschinen. Damit resistance Schreinerin and Social-Media-Influencerin Julia Spielvogel ran 60 Wochen through the Republik.

I think the craftsmanship is modern, digital and progressive.

Julia Spielvogel, Handwerks-Influencer

With computer-controlled CNC milling and laser printers, 28-year-old nachwuchs will die for their robbery gains. An die 250.000 Fachkräfte fehlen im Handwerk, so Schätzungen des Zentralverbandes des Deutschen Handwerks.

News for Crafts

Jedes Jahr yields an amount of 20,000 Ausbildungsplätze im Handwerk. Viele Betriebe suchen händerend Nachwuchs. Hoge Zeit, the attractive representation of machines.12.09.2024 | 29:45 min

With the camper for the journey of the crafts

Julia, who has more than 20,000 followers on Instagram, documents her journey and shares her experiences in social media. Ursprünglichstudierte his kunstgeschichte en -pädagogik, entschied sich nach ihrem Abschluss jedoch für eine Ausbildung zur Tischlerin. So it became an artificial bot. My message: Nur weil man Abitur Kracht, muss man anschließend nicht studyren – auch eine Ausbildung könnte die Richter Wahl sein.
The bilang round 50 Schulen besucht siehrenamtlich. If you get a good overview of your job and earn your money with social media videos for writing and fax notebooks.
Craft fair

In the years gone by, 20,000 pieces of craftsmanship were not completed. Der Fachkräftemangel in the industry can think the least. A theme at the craft fair, the heute in Munich, started.28.02.2024 | 2:00 minutes

Verstaubte Klischees aufbrechen

It is likely that young people have a realistic view of crafts, it is a real problem. In 2017, a study by the Federal Institute for Craftsmanship said that Schüler*innen de modernen Entwicklungen im Handwerk onterschätzen and deshalb seltener handwerkliche Berufe worse. “You have such a romantic, but also trustworthy Schreinermeister-Eder-Werkstatt im Kopf,” says Spielvogel.

It’s so much fun to start the Tour and get a new view of the kids’ kitchen to buy.

Julia Spielvogel

In Chemnitz you can go to the children’s and youth hotels in one of the materialistic Bee Hotels. You can use modern tools with the CNC machining of the machine, which is normally done by the pros. There is a beeindruckende Erfahrung. “If modern Sachen is gefällt here, it is good that we can see what everything is that we know,” said 13-year-old Simon.
Julia Spielvogel carries a brown dog on her arm.

The influence and writing are fast 60 weeks in Germany, a world for the handicraft of machines.

Source: Julia Spielvogel

Practical inheritance from the unknown

Der Trend bei der Berufswahl spricht Bände: 2021 kamen auf zehn Studierende nur 4.3 Auszubildende, während es 1950 nor 75.5 were. If you want to discuss another fact, argue the Tischlerin. An Ausbildung lohne sich als Vorbereitung auf a Studium duration:

If you can start an Ausbildung and then start in the Ingenieurstudium, it will be just as good as all the others, but you will get a Baustelle war and become a little better, it is very.

Julia Spielvogel

Tischlerin forder more Engagement an Schulen

My journey took place between Rosenheim and Flensburg. The reaction is greater, there is Julia, and the disadvantageous journey is not ab. If you see that it often happens that people end up in a certain location, sich auszuprobieren.

“The beauty of the handicraft is: Man has a finished product, the man stands on his own, it was his own hands that were born, and that is not the case with anyone else”, thus the common Bayerin.

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If the knowledge is one of the possibilities to study, it can be attractive to study. It may be that the lungs in the handwerksberufen vergleichsweise gut end up.15.05.2022 | 26:53 minutes

It is worth it: Nachwuchs fürs Handwerk must be financed with a debt. I would like to see more engagement with others Edited:

A man could no longer untie and separate his handiwork, but it was a thing the man himself spat out and tried out.

Julia Spielvogel

During the Herangehensweise, i.e. the Gefühl der Tischlerin, the craft is done at the Berufswahl in the Blick-rücke.