
Helicopter „hoffnungslos überfüllt“ – Zurückgebliebene feiern

Helicopter „hoffnungslos überfüllt“ – Zurückgebliebene feiern

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Helicopter „hoffnungslos überfüllt“ – Zurückgebliebene feiern
A more elegant Felssturz hat that covers the road to Saas-Fee. © Andrea Soltermann/dpa

A quieter felsturz has the only street in the fashionable Schweizer Urlaubsort Saas-Fee verschüttet. Helikopterflogen Hunderte Urlauber aus.

Saas-Fee – A fierce situation that is devastating the Valais region in south-west Switzerland. Bis zu 100 Liter Regen fielen pro Quadratmeter in 24 Stunden. “The sharp Niederschläge in the Night of Mittwoch auf Donnerstag führten überlaufenden Wasserläufen in Saastal anyway zu a Murgang, wodurch sperrung von Straßenabschnitten swiss Stalden und Saas-Balen kam”, heißt es in a Mitteilung des Cantons Valais. There is a Facebook video of the Wassermassen being steamrolled.

Het Tal is closed, the region is no longer accessible on the Landweg. Beef 2200 Urlauber saßen zeitweise fest. And that is the end of the debt burden in Bayern and Baden-Württemberg. Darum wurde am Freitag (6. September) a Helicopter-Luftbrücke for the single tourist tourists. The Sache is not worth it: the Flug from Saas-Fee nach Stalden was lost 140 Francs (about 150 Euro). 800 passengers were admitted at the same time, we arrived at the terminal, visit Vorrang.

Were not from the Swiss Nobel Prize winner, we were disappointed – or more facts

On the Boden you will be disappointed: “Your Garderobennümmerliaussgabe ist better organisiert as das here”, reported a Lehrer from the Region Zurich gegenüber There is with signaler Klasse vor Ort. On Friday, I said I would be there with the class at 5:30 PM, and that’s it, the man will flee at 4:00 PM. “Small chance. Es war hoffnungslos überfüllt“, so der Pädagoge. Am Samstag is so gewesen. Read more tourists with a student in messages from ähnlichen erlebnissen.

If the next flight was completed, the Evacuation was first completed at the Montage, here’s what. A Freiburger, der mit Tochter und Enkelin single geschlossen war, message set hinges at Facebook: “Vier Stunden Wartezeit für die Gäste, unermüdlicher Einsatz von Piloten and Personal am Boden – and always friendly and helpful. My daughter with my single and a friend was a real debt – the first debt was a! That will happen again.”

A few people are drowning, so they are lost. You can carry out the following steps with the scaling up of the road recovery of the Straßenconnectung. Trotzdem wurde die Sprengung der großen Felsbrocken abgeschlossen. Sonntagmittag is about the Gemeinde Saas-Fee with the Straße würde am Mittwochmorgen wieder eröffnet.

The repair and the recovery of Schweizer Straße are visible within the Mittwoch hin

Among the single buses from Urlaubern, the Passagiere is a tour bus from Thuringia: “Der Bus sollte am Wochenende wieder nach Hause fahren. We are happy to have our first meal in the Saas-Fee at the Hotel Festival,” reports a speaker in the news IPPEN MEDIAA Swiss guest pays extra attention to his medication intake.

Another message from a guest post on Facebook, in Saas-Fee, is the Stimmung bij de eingeschlossenen der weilen gut. „Stranded who have some holiday experiences“, postet der Urlauber and teilt die entsprechenden Bilder. At the Street Food Festival “Taste of Saas-Fee”, when there is war, this is a party spirit.

Valais Urlaubsort nicht zum ersten Mal isoliert – Hoteliers besorgt

Klaus Habegger (45) from Walliser Hotelier-Verein and chef of the Fünfsternehotels Walliserhofist nicht zum Feiern zumute: „It is still that four Mal, that we of the Außenwelt abgeschnitten since. Bei solchen Nachrichten überlegen es ich die Leute natürlich, ob sie noch im Saastal Ferien machen wollen “, so Habegger zu

Habegger said: “The longer the barrier is maintained, the greater the logistics adjustments will be. Wir müssen schauen: Who is it at the Lebensmitteln? Who wants the guest who can nurse best?’ We must live, so we will get Rabatt. If you have an active program on your mind, another Segway Tour has begun.

Saas-Fee is actually not like that at all: In the Alps it is the case that more Felsstürze and Muren than you zuvor: So a mountain climbing group in Montblanc briefly an immense Gesteinsvaline. In Austria in February a mountain climbing group from a stone fall was hit and injured. Experts warn that it will take a long time before the permafrost in the summit layers appears.