
IT rocks! and TKF launch Ü-50-KI-Kurse

IT rocks! and TKF launch Ü-50-KI-Kurse

I started IT rocks in November 2024! and the KI-Agentur TKF KI-Kurse for People over 50 years old. Das Programm vermittelt praxisnahes Wissen und erleichtert den Einstieg in Künstliche Intelligenz – ohne Vorkenntnisse.

After one or more gelungenen Start your first KI-Basic-Kurse wollen IT rocks! and the KI-Agentur TKF will offer a special Kur program in November, which is based on the Bed department of the Altersgruppe. Anyone sitting in a press conference will encounter the new Kursangebot, Hemmschwellen zu senken. “Wir is festgestellt, that is often not am interest, without the current images lies, that people are reiferen Alter sich little with digital Themen auseinandersetzen. With unseren massgeschneiderten KI-Kursen möchten wir these Lücke schliessen,” says Alexander Fürer, Geschäftsführer von TKF and Kursleiter der KI-Workshops.

If you don’t know that the course is an excellent introduction to AI applications. Part of the focus lies in the application of AI tools and technologies with ChatGPT, which makes the technology possible. The parts are in practice Wissen, it is so that I am in the commotion as a private environment where full Vorteile verschaffe.

“If you want to know what the knowledge of the information is, then it is the digital Zukunft aktiv migestalten können”, says Eva De Salvatore, Geschäftsführerin of IT rocks!. “People at the age of 50, who take more photos in these themes, are an unbearable Wert for Unternehmen. They no longer bring money funds and a complete company with, among other things, Innovationskraft and Zukunftsorientierung, which for the long-lasting Erfolg unerlässlich sind.”

The new course for the generation 50+ starts on November 14, 2024, how long it lasts. If you want another or another, you can use the link to the website of IT rockt! ton.