close – Düren: Versuchter Diebstahl im Hauptbahnhof Düren – Düren: Versuchter Diebstahl im Hauptbahnhof Düren – Düren: Versuchter Diebstahl im Hauptbahnhof Düren

Düren: On Monday morning (09.09.2024), at 01:42 Uhr, here is the police knowledge that you will be able to receive, so you can read more information in the Wartehalle.

The Täter drowns the Lockfächer in the Wartehalle forced to open. When the police officers act, the food cannot work.

If a policeman lies to a taxi driver, it is incomprehensible and is reported. Other people who have been bitten by the Tätern or the Tatgeschehen can report to the police.

Hinweise nimmt die Polizei Düren under der Rufnummer 02421 949-6425 entgegen