
“Kids Day” in Tailfingen: Children are inspired by Angebot – Albstadt

“Kids Day” in Tailfingen: Children are inspired by Angebot – Albstadt

“Kids Day” in Tailfingen: Children are inspired by Angebot

Sporty Sprünge goes to the Winter Sports Association in Tailfingen. Photo: Switzerland

A height of 100. The holiday of the winter sports associations in Tailfingen, which starts that year, war against the “Kids Day” and a Rock Night on the rise. From Verbandsseite gab es Ehrungen. That’s great for a bigger connection between the visitors.

“There is a fantastic atmosphere with one of the best publications, the band, Cover Crash’ plays a great potpourri title, the hervorragende ankamen, es war ein supertolles Fest, wie man sich es nur wünschen kann”, schwärmte Ausschussmitglied und Liftwart Jürgen Estler after a long Rock Night. Der Samstag would be zum Höhepunkt in Jubiläumsjahr.

The Grundstein zum Verein hatten 40 Skibeisterte 1924 in Hotel „Ochsen“ with the Gründung.

Zum Reigen weiterer Veranstaltungen, the schneeabhängig sind, hört the large Skibörse.

Formerly in Schalkental

After the “Kids Day” during the three major elections in the core garden in the long term, the WSV Tailfingen focuses on the summary with the first organizers in the Schalkental. The Verein war is gelungen, zhlreiche Vereine with ins Boot zu holen, who with its continuous Angeboten the Kindern zhlreiche Möglichkeiten boats.

With the television broadcasts with the Handball lessons with Mini-Handball games. On the Torwand man schoss at the Spielvereinigung Truchelfingen. The Posaunenchor Truffelfingen warted with a merry music trail with nice instruments on and off colors, one of which blows out of cloth bags. The Alligators Albstadt have a Wurfwand and Flagfootball setup.

At the Albstadt Art Museum, the children printed their own works of art in the pop-up printing workshop with small rollers. “These methods were used in the museum, for the children it is beautiful, it is a project of their own to see”, Kai Hohenfeld, director of the art museums, concretely stated. We would never have done a balloon with the Weg. The Café Hölzle was decorated with various games and change boats. The guest group WSV with children’s face painting and the courage that the boy gave as a hint on the powerful Pistenbullys setzen, was a greater attraction fand. The children start with a large starting card, at all available stations. Whoever competes at the available boats, gets jewels a stamp. The war that completes the running card has become a medal.

Ganztägig war der Bikepark in Betrieb, a young Akteure said a Show with Sprüngen über the new 2.5 meter high slope. Sport is about the stage, where the Gruppe Mariposa of the TV true-elves is with its Auftritt enthusiasm.

35 Helpers are in the submission

The winter sports association is one of the previous Thomas Merz hatte 35 Helfer in ihren blue Shirts in Einsatz. I am in Essen and Getränke, like Kaffee and Kuchen. The Anniversary Tombola is 1000 losses and 500 wins. Wer der Glückliche mit einer Losnummer war, holte am WSV-Stand gleich seinen Gewinn ab.

One of the statistics of Oberbürgermeister Roland Tralmer dem Jubilar was a zeigte sich vom rain Treiben im uneren Bereich des Skihanges angetan. More information about Jürgen Reiff, Director of the West Region in the Swabian Ski Association, in Schalkental. There are the Grüße and Ehrungen such as the Ehrenpokale des Deutschen and Swabian Skiverbanden which are a Gutschein for the further Fortbildungen of the WSV-Lehrkräfte.