
Autopflege-Tipps für den Herbst –

Autopflege-Tipps für den Herbst –

Winter Travel & Co.
There are 7 car tips that can contain the herbs

The Herbst must provide for the Tür and with its Nässe, Kälte and Dunkelheit. If you want to know more about what you encounter, some cars will be suitable for the herb machine. One of the tips you can use to orientate autofahrer.

The herbs are intended for car drivers a special herausforderung. Nasse Straßen, rutschiges Laub and bad visibility in the rainy darkness can be fährlich. The last years of power are no longer car parts that buy, but also their PKWs are orderly. With the right advice tips for herbal medicine you can get more certainty.

Car care in the fall: It’s a matter of safety

If the herbal medicine auto industry has a burning body and a shiny rim, then the auto industry will disappear into the herb garden. I am a car manufacturer for the herbal diet in the street.

Autopflege-Tipp 1: Scheiben herb fit machine and Wischblätter wechseln

Dunkelheit or Zwielicht bij Dämmerung, entgegenkommende Scheinwerfen und Regentropfen: All these Factors are carried out in sight at Fahren. Deshalb sollten de Autoscheiben stets sauber sein – auch von innen. Schlieren und Streifen von abgenutzten Scheibenwischern trüben die Sicht, genau wie Fingerabdrücke und een Schmutzfilm op de Innenseite, der dazu noch lighter beschlägt als sauberes Glas.

Also: A good investment for car insurance is a fresh Wischerblätter and a Fenstertuch for the inn. Special car glass cleaners are suitable for the interior and windows.

Car care tip 2: Apply frost protection in the autumn

Regarding Fenster: Prepared in the autumn is a sin, for the American frost protection in the exchange channel of the worries, damn the fabric and the leads are not even frozen in the morning.

Not forgotten: Kfz-Schutzbrief für den Notfall

Proud of all preparations can always pass in road traffic. I am Notfall in a car protection letter in the event of a breakdown or an accident. Integrate is the use of the American Express Platinum Card. The credit card no longer has financial flexibility, but comes with a insurance package and other benefits. The card is always intended for everyone, it may be that travel and the costs thereof yield profit. All others can exclude a car protection letter or a credit card.


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Car Care Tip 3: Checking and not dropping new winter tires

The other rule “from O to O”, also “from October to Easter”, is according to who is in favor of a good direction: Spätestens when the first Bodenoder Night frost is set, a man is set on Winter tires. According to the law, the smallest profile is 1.6 mm at Reifglätte. The ADAC has a report of a thickness of 4 mm. As one of the four test drives of the WinterContact TS 870 from Continental with a “good” functioning during the test at the ADAC.

Autopflege-Tipp 4: Karosserie- und Lackpflege auch im Herbst wichtig

Many people wash in the car in the herb and winter season, however, it is not as difficult as we would like. This reason should not always apply: dirt, moisture and in winter the omnipresent streak salt damage the body and the underbody. If you use a high-pressure cleaner, this can occur regularly during the car wash, many problems can occur.

Autopflege-Tipp 5: Marderschutz can prevent repairs

While the draußen kälter is, as the Marder a heated Plätzchen. It is not that an engine of own cars acts, but it is an internet device with sprays, lightning and ultra-scalable devices that use cable fressers. If you the Tier vertreiben, there is no damage. A guarantee for the Wirksamkeit is not possible if you choose Idealfall for the car in a garage.

Car Care Tip 6: Have the lights and batteries checked professionally

It is a matter of time with your tag, if you have a free functional scheinwerfer and never again on the long bench are scrubbed. In many works it is possible to perform a higher cost-free light test, while all lighter cars are performed. In the workstation, batteries and brakes can clog the battery and the coolant with frost protection.

Autopflege-Tipp 7: Gummidichtungen mit Pflegemittel elastic halten

Rubber tip gel was placed directly on seals and other rubber stones. Due to the rubber seal with the time that occurs, they lose their sealing properties. In the autumn and winter then ask for the Türspalte Moisture and Calmness in the inner room. Make sure that the nutrition routine for the herbs is on a puff pastry on the Türgummis.

Autopflege im Herbst: Einfach notnauwen

If it takes longer: a thorough car care in the herbal section of the years can be a problem and the problem is that the vehicle is in the foam longer, but for the insignificant Safety in Road Traffic.