
The Krankenhäusern is a heißer herbal treat

The Krankenhäusern is a heißer herbal treat

The Bundesweit has made the former Krankenhauser the reform of the People’s Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) mobile – where the doctor in the municipal clinics is on a certain target. German Health Care dries a hotter Herbst.

The reform of the Lauterbach seine reform has begun, the ministerial war of Gipfel der Deutschen Krankenhausgesellschaft (DKG) can be loaded. The DKG warns against a longer care and longer listening to OP-Termine. If you want to help the Bundesländer, in the Krankenhaus planning is going better, the Klinikreform zu block.

Professionals and independent credit institutions that grant DKG insolvency can also determine the financial situation of the Kommunen-bekämen differently than national clinics.

Diesen öffentlichen Kliniken wiederum stehen ohnehin turbulent Wochen bevor. The Marburger Bund leaves for assembly (September 16) for a Warnstreik in the communal Häusern auf. The Ärztegewerkschaft will increase the pressure on the municipal workers. Der MB offers 8.5 Prozent Lohnplus and new service and Schichtenmodalitäten. Schwerpunkt des Arbeitskampfes in the South German country is one of the most common cases in the Krankenhäuser in the Communes. Van Bundesweit 61,000 Medizinern dieser Krankenhäuser becomes more than half of the MB an.

After Lauterbach’s hospital reform, it is widely believed that no more cases should be discussed in every clinic. It has become strict to treat the jewelry; Erfüllt a hospital that is not, there is a wenger Money from State and health insurance funds. This is the specialist treatment of clinical practice. Smaller purchases were made by women or combined. If the winner of the reform has a large hospital group and for all university universities.