
Tragödie in der Türkei: Basketball-Star (34) van betrunkenem Autofahrer erfasst

Tragödie in der Türkei: Basketball-Star (34) van betrunkenem Autofahrer erfasst

Shocking news from Turkey. Basketball pro Ilkan Karaman has appealed to a car manufacturer and there is no more talk of injuries.

From the end of the city there are messages that were clamped on the last day 34 years ago. There was a problem in the Krankenhaus, which could not be repaired anymore. Karaman would be on the mayor of a Fahrzeug-erfasst, if there is much of a friend-war, of the tanks of wool. The driver is ready to be taken, the Ermittlungen have begun. The driver will be involved in checking his car lost.

Karaman works in the NBA draft

“A friendly Lächeln, an uplifting person, a great Heart, is one of the most fehlen-worlds. If you have found one of the Unfall, the Karaman of life is cost, one of the beautiful seas, who dares to go with much courage. Ruhe in Frieden, wir werden dich immer in Erinnerung behalten!”, is said in an emotional Statement by the Agentur von Karaman.

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“With Trauer has written his history, the National player Ilkan Karaman, from 2012 to 2014, when the Trikot-trug came out, has died. As Karaman Gottes Gnade and his family, his relatives and the Basketball Community Beileid and Geduld, his former Fenerbahce writes in the social media.

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In the Türkei-play Karaman another for Besiktas and sweet for the Turkish Nationalmannschaft auf. Zu seinen größten Erfolgen zählen der Gewinn des turkischen Pokals (2013) und der turkischen Meisterschaft (2014). In the year 2012 he was from the Brooklyn Nets at 57. Stelle was drafted, no longer with Einsatz.