
New circular route on the Rigi eroffnet

New circular route on the Rigi eroffnet

The new «Mythos Rigi Rundweg» on Rigi Kulm offers modern paths, panoramic tables, new seating and an audio guide on topics such as tourism, geology and brewery. The project works in the form of a Rigi map.

The planning and installation phase is longer than the new «Mythos Rigi Rundweg» on Rigi Kulm. Within the framework of the tourist organization Rigi Plus, the Unterallmeind Korporation Arth, the Rigi Kulm-Hotel and the Austausch with partners, the Rigi cable car infrastructure operates in the Gipfel region of Rigi. So wegbeläge, Treppen, Zäune, Aufenthaltsplätzchen and Panoramatafeln were brought to Vordermann.

If you turn on the Wegnetz, you can take a next step. Soul wars, Pay extra attention and provide an unimportant infrastructure for the management or operation, which is paid by Rigi Bahnen AG. The guest experience will be improved and the vermittlung of the thought will be one of the «Mythos Rigi»-ermöglicht.

The “Charta Rigi 2030” of January 11, 2019 set the basis for an Entwicklungsplan, der Nachhaltigkeit in Umwelt, Wirtschaft and Gesellschaft durch konkrete Project fördert.

For new seats and resting places, the foundations are laid in Nagelfluh-Optik. The company Küttel from Weggis has developed its own technique, whereby the typical Nagelfluh technology could be continued. The project works in the form of a Rigi card.


Audio guide for Mythos Rigi
I have put together a new audio guide on a theme with geology, Brauchtum, Landesvermessung, Rigi Panoramen and Tourism. The Rigi itself functions as a message and messages about the anchoring of Brauchtum or a heavier story about the Swiss Landesvermessung war.

This money is a 180 meter long new Grasselenhag, on the ramp of the permanent cable car, where the Kulm Kapelle did its work. The Unterallmeind Kooperation Arth hat für die Erstellung 30 Cubikmeter Lärchenholz aus dem nahe kostenlos Rossberg Gebiet verarbeitet. Während drei Wochen wurden 1160 Hagstüd im Gelände anchort. It is bad that there has been more grass in the Rigi Kulm for years. (mm)