
Podcaster Matze Hielscher: “Wichtig, sich als Mensch zu engaged”

Podcaster Matze Hielscher: “Wichtig, sich als Mensch zu engaged”

“Mir is wichtig, mich mit Menschen zu connect”, said Matze Hielscher. Neben seinem Podcast is working on its social themes.

Matze Hielscher, 45, is one of Germany’s most successful Podcaster. In 2016, the credible interview podcast “Hotel Matze” was praised by stars such as Matthias Schweighöfer or Giovanni Zarrella or the Politikern with Robert Habeck in his life. My absolute Traumagast was another ex-kanzlerin Angela Merkel, who appealed to theater verrät.

“Where it is not in the Medienwelt-gelandet, where my best Ausrichtung in the soziale Bereich der Inklusion gewesen”, is that it is so. Der 45-Jährige hat seinen Zivildienst in der Carl-von-Linné-Schule für Körper en Lernbehinderte in Berlin absolviert. If you look at the media broadcasts and other plans, there is not a single podcast, but it is an interview.

They have experienced the action of the Berlin theater and are great creatives of people with an information behind it. Welche Eindrücke has given your opinion?

Matze Hielscher: I have achieved the end product, that is all important – within my artistic reach – otherwise profitable. There is a schauspieler who says that work cannot change his horizon. I know that everything in the Thikwa Ensemble is as high as the lust and art of leisure have diminished.

Where is theme inclusion important? Do you have a personal touch?

Hielscher: In general, it is important that people connect with each other. In Offenheit entsteht Neues it is interesting. Offenheit entsteht nur in Inclusion. My military service was in the Carl-von-Linné-Schule for Körper- and Lernbehinderd absolviert – das were unfassbar tolle Monate. Where it is not in the Medienwelt-gelandet, where my best goal is in the social area of ​​Inklusion gewesen.

Do you see yourself as a prominent representative of your company’s key sales themes?

Hielscher: Saying is like this: I am also a general practitioner, sich as a human being, unabhängig vom Status, zu engaged. Aber jeder Herenhoed other Kapazitäten, Kräfte und Middelen.

Many people often have fear, it was a mistake if they hit people with a disadvantage. Is it so?

Hielscher: Nein, gar nicht. In some cases, misunderstandings may occur. If I find that this is not the case, it may be that I can learn and I can learn.

The active campaign of the action Mensch heißt #VielVor: How about your long-term care, because people are behind the scenes and are able to see what they can do?

Hielscher: Was mir immer wieder auffällt, ist, wie separated Menschen mit Behinderung immer nor live. I live in the big German city and see people with small-scale beeinträchtigungen. I wish I had a great experience.

In Ihrem Podcast “Hotel Matze” is one of the main themes of Glück, Liebe und Erfolg, aber auch Depressionen, Angst und Misserfolg. Is this one of the themes you like to avoid?

Hielscher: I’m always happy, that’s a man I can handle, but I’m more than happy with it. I wouldn’t be bothered by gossip in my podcast.

They have shown an interview with prominent Stars, Politiker and Autoren in Ihrem Podcast. Would you like to take a critical look at your host family?

Hielscher: Once upon a time I found that person exciting. It is the wisest. My conversations were two days away, eight as a team, which meant my guests were both present and full. A man is manchmal who does not keep his property and private persons separated by reason.

Wer fehlt Ihnen noch, where would my absolute Traumagast be?

Hielscher: Angela Merkel, Anselm Kiefer and Werner Herzog.

Ihr Podcast Hotel Matze is one of the highlights in Germany. Was this Ihr Erfolgsgeheimnis?

Hielscher: I was happy, an essenzieller Punkt ist, that my own Fragen stelle, also that, was my personal interest. If you look at the details, the man is slightly over-looking. Most Absprachen mache ich myself, the best falls directly with the guest. If you stay in a hotel, you are welcome. Im Studio it no longer looks like a Studio. Manche fragen auch, I lived here.

Welches Gespräch hat Are you more miserable?

Hielscher: The money hasn’t even been discussed. Das Letzte was my best man, war with Giovanni Zarrella. We talk about the heights and depths of our careers. When the time finally comes that it is a mother, an Italian, who stays in Germany for 60 years, extremely part of its land forces is put in power of the country, we will find the political interests so fearless. Giovanni kamen dies Tränen en mir auch.

Glauben Sie, dass Ihr Podcast an influss on art and the white hat, who is the best way to think?

Hielscher: A never-ending legacy is that person who thought that the best person is like this and that the conversation gave him a new image. I’ve often said, “I thought XY is a totally more arrogant person, while the conversation is focused on, which is sympathetic and verletzlich or something like that.” If I am no longer active, then I can be free if I leave my own property.

Welchen Podcast, what’s next?

Hielscher: Ich mag Politik mit Anne Will, Lanz & Precht und de podcast meiner Frau Stephanie “50 über 50.”

Are you a music player, DJ, medior and author – do you have a new plan or project? What kind of journeys would you like to make?

Hielscher: Ich habe, wieder die beufsbezeichnungen zeizen, immer wieder Neues gemacht. I know that with a Sache, my Podcast, a bleiben and a passionate davon, I will not bleiben here.
