
BMW-Vorstand creates its own Autobahnspur for E-Cars for | 11.08.24

BMW-Vorstand creates its own Autobahnspur for E-Cars for | 11.08.24


75.25 Swiss Franc 0.34%

“Etwa der privilegierte Zugang zur Innenstädten, costlose Parkmöglichkeiten oder one’s own Spur on the Autobahn”, says the “Münchner Merkur” (Samstag): “Würde man im Stau stehend dauernd von E-Autos überholt, würden sich ich siecherlich überlegen, ob sie nicht but umsteigen.”

A Solche Bevorzugung was an alternative to the EU plants Verbrennerban. State Secretary of Finance when it comes to a bad thing, says Nedeljkovic.

2024 a Million Autos from the German BMW Works

Trotz Kritik am Standort Deutschland fährt BMWdie Produktion here weiter kräftig hoch: “Wir became in recent years more like a million Autos in Deutschland built”, the question of the Vorstand an. For years I produced BMW 936,000 cars in Dingolfing, Munich, Regensburg and Leipzig, 729,000 in China and 411,000 in the USA. Prosperity amounted to 2.66 million.

Over the years, the group has earned a billion euros in German work investment, such as Nedeljkovic. It is profitable. “Fest stands, however: In the legal trade, our home base is increasingly difficult.” Basic bureaucracy, expensive energy and high standing costs. The industry has a solid road network, a reliable railway and digital infrastructure.

“Experience is with a deviation from the industry, geraad in the middle class and at the Zulieferern. It was a eigentliche brauchten, where it was about a new technology”, said the BMW-Vorstand.

Criticism of EU climate policy

The BMW production chief has criticized the EU industry, in battery production of a unit’s CO2 emissions with the power mix of the countries where they work. Damit würden Unternehmen who BMW penalizes, who invest in the Bezug von Grünstrom: “Unser CO2-Fussabdruck würde with the German Strommix gewertet, Kohlestrom included. That would be unsere Bilanz on the Paper massively changed,” says Nedeljkovic. “Damn where the Anreiz road, itself is a most climate-neutral production.”


MUNICH (awp international)