
PhotoKlassik IV.2024: Practice, Knowledge and Inspiration for Analog Photography

PhotoKlassik IV.2024: Practice, Knowledge and Inspiration for Analog Photography

The last years of the photo class are there and are many with much useful information about analog photography, with inspiring images and much background information. With the active film market view.

Jahr passes the end, when he reads the last Ausgabe 2024 of PhotoKlassik. Isn’t it true, if the man knows the Erscheinungsweise-zeitschrift, the man knows that he spent his first half of the new year in December.

This can be very good with some information about analog photography, with more practical and creative tips to create exciting and inspiring portfolios with photos. Reading value is as the entry into the editorial of the author Wolfgang Heinen. Writing books is a valuable theme for jewelry or a philosophy about a story, which is committed – and then a few. This is in line with the headline «Langeweile in Schlaraffenland», the image capture is compared with artistic intelligence and that with the analog camera and comes to the end, which most people after another new film that will be found as an old-fashioned film – because this is not and «because the analog process creates a photo that is more of an individual than the digital, anonymous, software-optimized image.

Another Heftteil, the man has no sollte, ist das Magazin. If you find people with cork information about new products, a book or events, it is still not gilded.

There is a portfolio in the active power Paul Wakefield «A Master of Landscape Photography» so the title of the article. His pictures look through a rough, fast beauty, through his genial observation and the application of natural light. Most of the pictures were taken of natural Nordic islands with a 4×5″ Ebony camera and some of the pictures show high international highlights.

One of the specialties of the photo class is the technical design of room models, which is used over the years, while there are still not many readers and readers that are located in a certain location and then used. A Solche has died Icarette 500/2 from Zeiss Ikon AGdie quickly for one hundred years alt and – guter Zustand voausgesetzt – immer noch einsetzbar ist. Thomas Gade schreibt de Besonderheiten die Klappkamera met Ausziehbalgen und beweist mit die Bildern, die sich und die Hervorragende Bilder Kracht – in Farbe.

Not quite old is the Pentacon SIX TLa single SLR chamber for profiansprüche, from 1969 to 1990 by the Kombinat VEB Pentacon in the damaging GDR war. The chamber can be expanded with the different equipment of a praxis-oriented system, while the large TTL prisms work with an exposure measurer, with the chamber of a beach design. The Pentacon SIX-TL is no longer fragmented at Sammlern, but it is still a credible Gebrauchskamer. Thomas Gade wrote in his article that the chamber was particularly good with a lot of hintinfo.

You can choose to place PhotoKlassik on a new analog camera message. Now dies the fall with the Experience message to Pentax-17a half-format camera, the now is first so focused on the marketcommt. Gregor Thomas and Maximilian Heinrich have tested their experiences and learned in their article.

There can be no camaraderie with “Charm and Nostalgia”. Loma that is a Pocket camera for 110er Film herausbracht, a «Ritsch-Ratsch-Kamera» for cassette film, which caused a furore in the 1970s with furore. Der Vorteile: The man who is in the snake and wants it to be fragmented, is that he is comical. Der Nacht: The photos cannot stop the system and lead to a leader in the highest time, who is not qualitatively competitive.

Danach has only just returned to the Anfangsjahre der Fotografie. Kurt Tauber, Leader of the German Camera Museums in French Plech (that is the first time) states that Voigtländer brass camera from 1841 Before you perform a function and select this room as the coarser mileage of the room, the time period will be reduced from 15 minutes to 30 minutes.

A more interesting article will inform you about the 1930s and 40s in Objective radioactive material verbally become. Those were for all Thorium and Lanthanum-containing Glass, the most important properties were derived from the current Fluoride Glass. The radioactive glass would be used in the 1940s in the 1940s and take a few years before everything is reflected in the highest word. If you set the closed system, there are no risks, but the data and all types of Glasstaub can not work well. If you do not want to erase your will anymore, you can read this financing by Steffen Schüngel.

Der gleiche Autor gibt im nachsten Article from the «Werkstattgeflüster» a useful Praxistipp more, der dass Justifying Messsuchern explained. If there is no problem, then chances are you know who has the power, if one of the people does not even have a Messsucherkamer that is no longer so praiseworthy, if it is his own fault.

Zwischendurch wieder mal eenine Bildstrecke gefällig? One, it is no longer the case that we are in Urheber Markus Kaesler A young man in the Lochkamer is one of the great achievements of the Western economy. Kaesler indicated in his conversation with Marc Peschke the price of photography and professional technique, but it was not that his credits would be better.

The new Adox C-Tec 41-Kit the power fell from its reason, it could be a war on the market. Since there are many problems with analog photographers, the black and white films can develop themselves, after the negative film (still) is displayed by its appearance. In the article it is a fact that the chemical properties are adjusted, and who with the flexible temperature control regulates the quality of the temperature.

What film is also offered on the market? What does it mean? What would it be like to make films? Questions, the very same all analogue photographers are made, for everything, who are aware of new photos. Die Film market overview in die Ausgabe von PhotoKlassik gibt Auskunft, welche Farbnegativ-, Diapositiv-, Spezial- und Einwegkamerafilme is derzeit in Handel gibt en wo diese erhältlich sind.

The Photo Report «1253 M» von Ralf Baumgarten leads us into the Letzte Kohlengrube Deutschlandswhich with an analog room ends with documenting a technical and emotional re-examination war. It was so beautiful, a light optimal light and high contrast with the film, so perfect to see, and it was great, with the Kumpeln in the mountain world, most likely with the spannung.

The Schluss des Heftes is garnished with two publications. First impressions of purchases from bereavements People and fashion photographers Hans Feuer, The life work here is a matter of concern, but also in the Camera Work Gallery in Berlin (no later than 19. September 2024).

Der zweite Hinweis gilded an exuberant woman, namlich der War photographer Lee Millertheir life and work were filmed briefly. Dragana Mimic’s article in PhotoKlassik said that Lee Miller was the model with his Kriegs report, that this film was shot and that was shot. «Die Fotografin» will hit the Kinos on September 19, 2024, during its premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival.

The content

Editorial: Langeweile im Schlaraffenland

Afterword: Thomas Höpker (1936 – 2024)

Cameras & Lens
Klappkamera: Zeiss lkon lcarette 500 / Mittelformat from the GDR: Pentacon six TL / Kamera-Neuheit: Pentax 17 / Pocketkamera Im Test: Lomomatic 110 / Kamerageschichte(n): Voigtländer Metallkamera von 1841 / Jurassic-Park-Nikkore: AF Nikkor 85 mm and AF Micro Nikkor 105 mm / Strahlende Aussichten: Radioactive Objective / Werkstattgeflüster: Messsucher adjustment

Recording & Lighting
Kreativ-Tipps: Doppel- und Mehrfachbelichtung / Filmen mit Korn: Super 8

Film & Dunkelkamer
New Chemie-Kit: Adox C-TEC 41 / The new Jobo Silverbase Prozessor / Marktüberblick: Farbfilme 2024 / Namensverwirrungen op de Analogue market

Presentation & Archiving
Spandes Lexikon: Der große Fotokatalog

Culture & Portfolio
Paul Wakefield / Markus Kaesler / Ralf Baumgarten / Hans Feurer / Film-Tipp: Die Fotografin / Randnotizen zur Foto-Kunst

Also new in Digitalabo
The new issue of PhotoKlassik Magazins, IV/2024 has been removed from the print edition of only 24.90 Euro in a year and can be ordered here. The subscription is no longer one of the pre-Leistungs-Verhältnis, could be a next step and go directly to the previous time.

The print edition of PhotoClassic erscheint vierteljährlich with 98 pages in the edition of IMH Imaging Media House, New.C. GmbH & Co. KG. Das Magazin is present at Ars-Imago in Zurich as well as photo media in Jegenstorf. The Heft costs CHF 18.90 for free shipping.