
Isselburger Kevelaer-Pilger well-conserved back: “You never walk alone”

Isselburger Kevelaer-Pilger well-conserved back: “You never walk alone”

Achten Pilger wurden für ihre wiederholte Teilnahme an der Isselburger Kevelaer-Wallfahrt ausgezeichnet.
Achten Pilger wurden für ihre wiederholte Teilnahme an der Isselburger Kevelaer-Wallfahrt ausgezeichnet. © Private

Reading time

The Kevelaer-Wallfahrt, which in that year is under the motto “Geh’ mit uns”, is a tolles-experience for the Isselburger Pilger, the Rückkehrer says that he sits in the sun and zufried while he has a letzten meter schon schwergefallen sin. Insgesamt nahmen hundert Pilger an der Wallfahrt 2024 teil, aufgeteilt in 80 Fuß- und 20 Radpilger. Organizer Gerlind Zallmanzig said he was working on the Verlauf der Wallfahrt.

Sylwia Posmyk has created Mal en der Kevelaer-Wallfahrt teilgenomen.
Sylwia Posmyk (48) has taken part in Mal an der Kevelaer-Wallfahrt for the first time.© Frithjof Nowakewitz

“Wir hatten wir klich tolles Wetter, denn mit 25 Grad and Sonnenschein were es geradezu ideal,” said Zallmanzig. This is the message of a personal understanding: “They were also two Nigerian priests who were active in Rome and were blessed by Pastor Josephat Obodo with their Wallfahrt.” Our acknowledgment: Pastor Josephat Obodo, who originated from Nigeria, was born in 2018 in the Isselburger. St.-Franziskus-Pfarrei tätig en kehrt wieder nach Isselburg zurück, zu besuchen a friend. So if that Wednesday, one of the Wallfahrt activities – in the future it will go so well.

Between 8 and 77 years old

Under the parts can be taken, as the old one is concerned, the differences are not great. War Angela Zimmermann with 77 years ago died recently, so began the eight-year Merle Kamps in the course of the Rückweg in Empel. The beginning of the start of a good story and the Kevelaer-Wallfahrt is damned gemacht. In total, Zallmanzig were following three new parts there. Darunter on the 48-year-old Sylwia Posmyk. Who said that it was total: “It was so wonderful. In fact, it is a fact that I will enjoy even more a few years later”, it is a joke. If there is a job that the DRK betreuer performs, the first time a Blasenpflaster is used, will be used.

Organizer Gerlind Zallmanzig said that he was working on the Verlauf der Dying Wallfahrt from Isselburg to Kevelaer.
Organizer Gerlind Zallmanzig said that he was working on the Verlauf der Dying Wallfahrt from Isselburg to Kevelaer.© Frithjof Nowakewitz

Back in Isselburg the Pilger in the Bartholomäus-Kirche sucked one. “The Farewell Service was very emotional”, Gerlind Zallmanzig reported. And while Paul and Doris Blümer have not yet died, they die in the years that the care vehicle has developed, while they can no longer change their bed. Zallmanzig does not continue with a greater question for Pastor Klaus Winkel, the Messe is a modern gestaltet hat. A few steps are taken by one or other part of the Holy Service, as the song “You will never walk alone” is played by the organ – fitting for the motto of this year.

50 Mal to Kevelaer

Achten Teilnehmer der Wallfahrt wurden as longjährige Teilnehmer ausgezeichnet. Angela Zimmermann’s hat is made up to 50. The wall weight is taken. Aaron Hackfort, Barbara Kortstegge, Andrea Specking and Ina Zallmanzig were on 15. Mal dabei. Joel Specking, Josephat Obodo and Tatjana Daniels with their Mal.

“Nach der Wallfahrt ist vor der Wallfahrt“, explained Gerlind Zallmanzig, the plans for the coming Wallfahrt, which was published on Wednesday 13. and 14. September 2025, started off nicely. Looking at what Merle Kamps has done, it won’t take longer for the last few years to begin.