
Sanija Ameti is a politician

Sanija Ameti is a politician

The 32-year-old Juristen is considered a political talent with a greater future. Bis sie auf een beeld van Maria en Jezus Schoss.

If all goes well, your political journey – but now Sanija Ameti is an Instagram posts.

If all goes well, your political journey – but now Sanija Ameti is an Instagram posts.

Simon Tanner / NZZ

The gemstone bears the names “Madonna with Child and the Erzengel Michael”. The work was created by Tomaso del Mazza, a Florentine painter, in the year 1375, at the beginning of the Renaissance. The treasure is estimated at Auktionshaus Koller in Zurich, the value of which is between 150,000 and 250,000 Francs. A major war is not possible in Switzerland.

After the war, before Sanija Ameti beschloss, this page of the Koller catalogs for her used Shooting fragments Maria and Jesus zwanzig showed a einschusslöcher and posted the image on Instagram. Read the comment «abschalten».

Der Wirbel, it is a fact that it is so. You are guilty. But that is of no use to you anymore. With my post I can find a job and bring with it a political career.

And all the fragments: Who can use his passion?

The 32-year-old lawyer is not an Irish politician. He is the co-chairman of Operation Libero, which deals with the great power of the Polit-Kampagnen. They specialize in soulful provocations with desired Wirkung. Davon is not convinced.

I am the power of the “Blick” that history public. Till Monday is a guilty Post on the social network X fast 3000-mal comment, to part gehassig, to part hasserfüllt.

Alt-Nationalrätinnen van SVP und Mitte fordern ihren Rücktritt. Die Junge SVP Schweiz reicht Strafanzeige roads Verletzung der Glaubens- und Kultusfreiheit ein. Because the NZZ was a spokesperson for the Zürcher Kantonspolizei, the man became aware of Ametis Post and he no longer has any criminal insight.

«Violent Act against religious symbol»

Religious circles are based on the Kopf gestossen. On the NZZ page, Nicolas Mori, who spoke to the reformist Kirche Zürich, said that the Kirche does not go beyond empfindlich, while it is a caricature that has a religious inhalation. Schliesslich live man in a säkularisierten Gesellschaft.

But Ametis posted a «violent action against a religious symbol». ‘It is a nonsensical idea that it can be so nonsensical. One of the most common consequences is that man has an inner Hemmschwelle-gibt, on an irgenden mumble and in his kind of schiessen.»

Remember that Ameti is Hobbyschutzin. I am busy in the summer with the Zürcher Polit-Grössen with the financial director Ernst Stocker (SVP) and the Bildungsdirector Silvia Steiner (Mitte) in the Ratsherrenschiessen in Stäfa teil.

The “Zürichsee-Zeitung” has started with Schiesssport, schiesse im Keller Regelmässig with a Luftgewehr on Kaffeerähmli. “If you want to meditate, it is wise to enjoy yourself in August,” he is in the Zeitungsbericht.

After reading the story with the holy picture of my Instagram account, Ameti writes: «Hello, I have read the story, we see people in their religious lives who are happy to be able to live. As a Vorlage for the 10 m Schiessen, the motivation has emerged, which is clearly visible. I hate Hand’s Koller catalog, the gross genug war. Inhaling the image has no harmful effects. The war is not targeted. Tut mir von Herzen leads, ich damit jemanden verletzt habe!»

War is a difficult issue? Or a failed provocation?

Gegenüber the «Blick» said: «The war is absolutely stupid. I’ve never had a problem. Es tut mir unglaublich led.» Auf Medienanfragen answertet is inzwischen nicht meer.

Normally it is a good thing that your political travel or travel abroad is interesting. It is a political activity and there is an influence in Sweden. Gerade deshalb is the Ameti of the Darling der Medien, gilded for a long time as the coming Frau, with the care for Karriere in the Bundespolitik.

When in November 2022 the two SVP Bundesrat candidates Albert Rösti and Hans-Ueli Vogt were playing at the SRF ‘Club’, one said, the später was renown: “I can have a political bet that no Schöntrinken can.”

If a Twitter user does not know that he has a “Sugardaddy” at SRF and is a bald man, he puts a video on Instagram: he looks at the room, travels with the teeth a zuckersäckchen on, just like the It is better that the Zucker is in his Zunge-rieseln.

Anschauen can be a man in the Beitrag no more: ​​Ameti hat ihren Account am Montag auf «privat» stated and sämtliche Posts gelöscht.

Look at the grünliberal situation

Sanija Ameti came in 1992 in the highest Bosnia-Herzegovina in the world. If you go another year, you can watch with a Muslim Eltern the Jugoslawische krieg in the Schweiz. If you say that Eltern in the Schweiz has a price and a woolen price. This is the Gegenteil. She will auffallen.

If you have a good understanding of political politics, you say: ‘It is now more of a Spass hat in Swiss politics like Christoph Blocher. It is one of those things that does not last long.’ Or: ‘I make arguments, I break stereotypes. That’s what we have lost. It’s not the same. It’s long-lasting for me.’

The problem is: Auch in der eigenen Partei, den Grünliberalen, eckt si an. When it comes on the market in 2023, the plätze for the national council meeting has begun, the canton party is completely at the 18th listening place. Both the Wahlen pass Ameti den Sprung nach Bern. Dabei would trade dort ihr Lieblingsthema, the Europafrage.

With the municipal policy they are at odds. When we are in the city parliament, it has been a thing since 2022: as a bus regime in the muscular Langstrasse it is a fact that it is good.

Parteikollegen in Canton Zurich nerves themselves are more sensitive to their needs. Zürcher Politik is not interested. Please note: it can only stand alone.

A political party that is in the interest of criticism is a friend of the parties. The GLP-distanziert is indispensable after the Zielscheiben-Vorfall. Nobody stands up for one thing.

Jürg Grossen, president of the national parties, spoke of a “Riesendummheit, which is not a debt bar”. And the cantonal GLP writes on

On Montagnachmittag it is made public that Ameti will “in the future” come from the cantonal subdivision to the east. Here Ameti was involved in the area of ​​communication and campaigns.

Then, while we are still investigating, the Nachricht von der GLP Schweiz comes: This aim is to protect against damage, but it will cause damage to the parties. «Ein solcher Post kan als Ausdruck von Hass und Gewalt intellecten. This hat on the GLP keinen Platz.»

It is only a Verantwortung en von sich aus die Partei-verlassen. The state of the Ausschlussverfahren is the Stadtzürcher Kreispartei 4 and 5. This no longer applies.

And it’s clear that I ended up in the Montagnachmittag because Ameti got his consulting job with the PR agent Farner.

Ameti once said in a radio interview: «I love the game with the Medien einfach.» We can’t play women who play this game anymore. So weit, if it was possible, was the image of the durchlöcherten Gottesmutter auslösen würde.