
Company News | Kommune21 – E-government, internet and information technology

Company News | Kommune21 – E-government, internet and information technology

1.9.2024 Bürokratiebändiger, Digitalisierungsfans and Smart City Enthusiasts – they will meet from 15. – 17. October 2024 at the Smart Country Convention in Berlin. About Leitlinien for the Einsatz of KI in the Verwaltung, digital Zwilling in the Smart City or personalizable Verwaltung on the Smartphone – this can offer a very innovative solution for the Digitalization of Stadt, Gemeinden and Behören. Leading advertisers and advertisers at Verwaltung, Politik und Wissenschaft, Pioniere der Digitalwirtschaft, Hidden Champions and local branches are looking at the Smart Country Convention 2024, with the herausforderungen der digitalisatiegemeinsam-bewältigen können.

Company News | Kommune21 – E-government, internet and information technology

The Smart Country Convention is the branch meeting for the Entscheidungssträgerinnen and Entscheidungssträger of the open sectors and the Digitalwirtschaft. From October 15 – 17, 2024, we will meet with many Politikerinnen and Politiker, Speaker, as well as national and international speakers at the Berliner Messegelände, one of the digitalization of the public sector.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Homeland has organised the annual Schirmherrschaft for the Smart Country Convention. Nancy Faeser on October 15 with a Keynote opening at SCCON.

Partner country of the Smart Country Convention 2024 is Latvia. State President Edgars Rinkēvičs fell on the SCCON stage. There is a concrete international approach to digitalization: “In the years that Latvia is implementing the digitalization of services and making efficiency so transparent that the citizen looks good. Our IT sector is fond of the technological know-how and innovative solutions, which are notorious, a digital and sustainable economy that can be used. It is important that the European Union finds innovations among its member states in the West and has achieved its legality on a global level. The initiative of the German-Baltic Digital Innovation Club demonstrates that this will provide a joint political strategy and a solid basis for the further development of the economy and the wisdom sauce. “

Neben Schirmherrin Nancy Faeser and Latvian State President Edgars Rinkēvičs were neither national and international politicians nor politicians on the SCCON stage, who Daniel RischDirector of Liechtenstein, Dr. Volker WissingFederal Minister for Digital and Transport (BMDV), Cem ÖzdemirFederal Minister for Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL), Victor ValainiEconomic Minister von Lettland, Ricarda LangBundesvorsitzende von Bündnis 90/die Grünen und Elisabeth KeizerParlamentarische Staatssekretärin im Bundesministerium für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen (BMWSB).

Visions and best practices of Verwaltung and Digitalwirtschaft

Now that politics has started at the Smart Country Convention, the Speaker of the Administration and the Digital Economy has made a whole third Veranstaltungsstage on the insgesamt funffünf Bühnen and his ideas and ideas for the digitalization of the successful sector presentations. Darunter Agnes Heftbergerthe Vorsitzende der Geschäftsführung of Microsoft Deutschland, Jurgen MullerChief Technology Officer of SAP and Klaus WernerGeschäftsführer Geschäftskunden von Telekom Deutschland.

More than 20 retirees and retirees from the Behörden and Kommunen presentations of their Leuchtturm projects – in the Klingenstadt Solingen, which in their Smart City infrastructure on an Open Source system setzt. From the State Ministry and the InnoLab Baden-Württemberg: you can evaluate the AI ​​prototypes F13, the different text combinations, research and text constructions ​​love can. Hamburg presents together with Nortal das Lebenslagenmanagement – ​​an innovative project for a personal display on the smartphone.

Innovative solutions for the public sector

Zahlreiche national and international Aussteller have prepared for the Smart Country Convention 2024. Darunter Bechtle, the Deutsche Telekom, SAP Deutschland, aconium, adesso, Amazon Web Services, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Google Cloud, Huawei Technologies Deutschland, Ionos SE, Microsoft Deutschland, Schwarz Digits and Typo3. The general Ausstellerübersicht is on the SCCON website (see link).

Smart countries need smart people

The day of the Smart Country Convention will take place at the Nachwuchsgewinnung. Career Day Bring companies and management together with new opportunities for new employees and employees. The service is a large service provider in the federal, state and municipal areas and offers young professionals the opportunity to work with long-term attractive jobs. In Career Speeddating you will learn how to get to know a career and potential employees and speakers in 1:1 conversations, on the career phase an exciting boost is given to the career in the sector and the digital job wall that offers a national and international job to externals and vacancies on a click.

Public sector directly abroad

New this year – a podcast area in the teilnehmenden of the Smart Country Convention can broadcast more than 10 industry podcasts live. The podcaster can no longer be used in one of the podcast studios, the Bluetooth headphones can connect the devices and devices directly. In other words: “UnBürokratisch”, “Smart and the City” or re|Staat digital.

Smart Country Convention

[email protected]
+49 30 3038 2300
Stock Exchange 22
14055 Berlin

Zur Ausstellerübersicht (Deeplink)
Free tickets for the Smart Country Convention are available here in the Online Ticket Shop. (Deeplink)

Image from: Messe Berlin GmbH, Messe Berlin GmbH