
European Film Academy ehrt Wenders | Aachener Zeitung

European Film Academy ehrt Wenders | Aachener Zeitung

The European Film Academy will award director Wim Wenders (79) for his Lifework. His “heroic work” is recognized as the work that the Academy in Berlin selected. Wenders experiments with a flawless attack and insults him while he does new things. The broadcast of the European film awards has started on December 7 in Lucerne in Switzerland.

Vielfach ausgezeichneter Director

Wenders, born in Düsseldorf in 1945 and born in Berlin, is one of the best German directors. The Laufe blessing Karriere may have been excessive. With feature films such as “Paris, Texas” and “Der Himmel über Berlin” are international films. Wenders ended up at the Gründungsmitgliedern of the European Film Academy and served as president from 1996 to 2020.

The dreamy war is nominated for an Oscar documentary film: 2000 with the music documentary ‘Buena Vista Social Club’, 2012 with the 3D dance film ‘Pina’ after Pina Bausch, broadcast in 2015 with the documentary ‘Das Salz der Erde’ after the Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado. At the Oscar release of the film ‘Perfect Days’ in the Sparte ‘Internationaler Film’ Wenders learns with his poetic film.

Nominations for the European Film Award in November

The European Film Prize will be shown in Berlin and in another European city. Which films and actors have been nominated since November in November. I have a year war the justice thriller “Anatomy of a Falls” by Justine Triet got to be the best European film.