
Jake E. Lee wants to notice Diebe, aber: “That does not function.”

Jake E. Lee wants to notice Diebe, aber: “That does not function.”

Jake E. Lee wants to stop Diebe

Check out one of the best topics in Rock and Metal News world: Der ehemalige Ozzy Osbourne-Guitarist Jake E. Lee on the service day, October 15, during the visit to Zuhause in Las Vegas. Nun erklärt er in een kurzen Statement in de Soziale Medien, was sich aus seiner Sicht abgespielt hat and wie es zu den Schüssen kam.

On der Facebook page Signaler Band Red Dragon Cartel writes Lee: “Never again did Dank für eure Sorge fall. A Kurzes Update: I am living in the Erholungsphase. A big thank you to all at Sunrise Hospital, which is so good it drove me crazy.” Untermalt with the post with another image of the Hundes Coco, with their gerade a spaziergang force, as the Schüsse fields.

Vereinbarung with Dieben

„Noch ein few Details zu dieser Nacht: When we go to use a spazier corridor after the house, Coco and the road wrinkles with a few dieben. Dunkel kleidet, Capuzenpullover over dem Gesicht and Maskeren voor dem Mund. You are standing in the single-family home and the achievements of Motorrad. There is a verbal confrontation, the one with the last collaboration, which has gone in the direction of the direction and changed in the entire direction. It doesn’t work. It became a bigger and bigger problem from the moment it happened.”

Bereit’s past Donnerstag äusserte sich Jake E. Lee via Facebook and join: “The Police of 15 Patronenhülsen am Tatort, was bedeutet, dass der Schütze sein Magazin auf mich entleert hat. If I have a pair of Kugels, it is a Kugel through my forearm, a Kugel through my Fuß and a Kugel in my spinal canals, while a Rippe-gebrochen and a Lunge-beschädigt hat.” The Heilung Blesser Lunge has a moment priority before he dies “smaller Verletzungen” were elaborated.

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