
Three of New York’s beautiful Luxus hotels

Three of New York’s beautiful Luxus hotels

A suite in the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York.

A suite in the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York.


September is the most beautiful month, a New York event. The City may not schlafen – wir in diesen Hotels aber umso lieber.

Aman-New York

Man is quickly embarrassed, it is a question of a man who is a paparazzo. On the best Bonsai backgrounds, of the man at Tiffany and Co. and the Fifth Avenue disk, a concealed view with the left, in the Lounge Bar a short view to the right: this is not . . .? I am exclusivsten Haus New Yorks erwartet man behind every corner, Prominents on the way to the laufen. In the Hotel der Stadt you can see that others do not move here: Since August 2022, «Aman New York» is one of the best night guests who are now and the private clubs in the elevator in the lobby of the 14 are busy. Stock führt. Lediglich der Jazzklub in the Untergeschoss must all attack. There is a light feeling and it looks so elegant, when it comes to the love of James Bond films.

The imaginary Crown Building – built by dense architects, goes to Grand Central Station with the war – which is a great representation: the MoMA, the Dior office and the men’s magazine «Playboy». Nackte Tatsachs is now no longer in the saunas of the triple spas, in the Schamane Nick at a «sound bath» session that brings the frequency of the own frequency on the spur.

About the first “Aman” in the US, where the hotel in Asia Würzeln can be found: The star architect Jean-Michel Gathy has established himself in Japanese minimalism, in the restaurant “Nama”. See you the tasting menu of chef Takuma! Tresen from Hinoki-Holz can be a man who will help the Maestro a little.

In winter, the “Garden Terrace” is one of the glass panes.

In winter, the “Garden Terrace” is one of the glass panes.


In the 83rd period when the travel paper was dyed, it was a famous raincoat, which had a hereditary ability. A magic wand is swabbed with a ground up Washi-Tapet. A quick sacral Ruhe establishes oneself, sobald man den hohen, champagnerfarbenen Raum betritt. Take a look at the windows on the iconic Kaufhaus Bergdorf Goodman remembers, woman remembers: because in the city, the new life.

Vom Lärm der Grossstadt came to the man in the insgesamt 83 Zimmern des Hotels kaum etwas mit.

Vom Lärm der Grossstadt came to the man in the insgesamt 83 Zimmern des Hotels kaum etwas mit.


A double room in “Aman New York” is from 1950 dollars for one night.

Warren Street Hotel

It’s the Augenblick, a matter of messing around. A suite with its own terrace and in the Big Apple, a balcony that is like the legendary Wollmilchsau, in hotels that are practically a thing in the world. And here: Zedern vor Wolkenkratzern, Gräser und Blumen, um die Bienen summen. Zugegeben: Not all of the 69 individual figures Zimmer and Suiten have a private abroad, dafür aber bodentiefe Fenster, by the Sonnenlicht flute.

A junior suite in the Warren Street Hotel in New York.

A junior suite in the Warren Street Hotel in New York.


The «Warren Street Hotel» is the best Streich of Tim and Kit Kemp. The couple was founded in 1985 by the Hotelgruppe Firmdale in London, where Kit merged with his Designstudio the own Häuser with Tapeten, Stoffe and Geschirr. In February the Schwesterhotel in New Yorker Häuser «The Crosby Street Hotel» in Soho and «The Whitby» in Midtown was the first hotel, next to the business of Minnie and Willow.

The design of the Räume is an ode to the Low Hotels. It is located in the textile district Tribeca, in Süden Manhattans.

The design of the Räume is an ode to the Low Hotels. It is located in the textile district Tribeca, in Süden Manhattans.


The Kemp DNA is also true in double Hinsicht. One of the most popular art and a mix of materials and materials, if the man has his fragment: Does it fit together? And who! In the «Drawing Room», of the an Honesty-Bar, the stone striped Chesterfield-Sofas for the open air, in the restaurant I see a sculpture by Gareth Devonald Smith in the Tresen, the blue wall of the Orangerie sees Porzellan by Martha Freud, over the art paper counter by Robina Jack jumps Zebras and Dogs.

«Far ben machen glücklich – sie würzen das Leben», says Kit Kemp entschied, auch the Stahlfassade of the newly established Gebäudes banglblau zu lassen. The loft design and teppiche in the «Warren Street Hotel» pay tribute to the textile factories that thrived in the Four Tribes.

A double room in the Warren Street Hotel is from 925 dollars per night available.

The Fifth Avenue Hotel

The first thought: Man must take care of himself! Aber no. The Gilded-Age-Gebäude der Familie Ohebshalom is educational for a whole year, a bit like Lagerraum. In Manhattan, at Ecke 28th Street and Fifth Avenue, a Katzensprong from the Empire State Building. By the way, Alex, a traveling companion with Leib and Koffer, decided: We would like to stay in a hotel! Eines, das es so noch gibt in New York. There is a Weitsicht and a beautiful example of Sweden, the heute as It-Designer of the gilded hotel industry: Martin Brudnizki. That was the war for two years, fully noted. Denn so fell Zeit and Musse flossing in the «Fifth Avenue Hotel», until the end of 2023, together with the new Glasturm.

Whoever bids the hotel will end up in the Zimmer, while the wonder room is a good friend.

Whoever bids the hotel will end up in the Zimmer, while the wonder room is a good friend.


A wunderkammer, who is an eclectic woman who has a nice boyfriend. Finally, this accommodation from the late 18th century also appeared in a private house. Society Lady Charlotte Goodride left these dinner parties before the architects of Penn Station walked around in a bank in 1907.

While the former Schalterhalle, in his today das Fine-Dining-Restaurant «Café Carmellini», the smell of grilled laughter with Ruebli-Ingwer-Sauce up to the balcony sees. Sound designer would concern himself with the acoustic sound of the high tones of the sound. The playlist is now one of the most famous: the chef Andrew Carmellini. The French and Italian message service is a soul music of DJ King Tutt from the Bronx. While the Flaneure from Paris of the twentieth century served as design inspiration, flea market funds in the Chinese cabinets lie, a butler the guest with a welcome drink receives, sees itself through the House of a modern Note, the «Fifth Avenue Hotel» is a timeless edition.

The “Portrait Bar” is oriented towards a library.

The “Portrait Bar” is oriented towards a library.


It is a tragedy on the works of art of erected artefacts at and the infallible application of color: pink flute here, pistachio-colored walls here. The imaginative handwriting is a sign that in the French kitchen on brocade sofas, the Troddel lamps with horse heads, the tapestries with palm trees and flamingos, the mint-colored marble in the bathroom, the star-shaped lights above the bed. All offered en masse in front of the hotel. As the style icon Diana Vreeland said: “The eye must travel!” Also take a look at the visual journey in the “Portrait bar”, which with its wooden tables and the gemstones is a furnished library. The drinks are inspired by cocktails from all the gentlemen’s countries. Strolling for fortified walls!

A double room at The Fifth Avenue Hotel costs $895 per night.

This article is in the form of the NZZaS Verlagsbeilage “To travel” to appear.