
Wissenswerkstadt feiert erolgreichen Start › WIR

Wissenswerkstadt feiert erolgreichen Start › WIR

Wissenswerkstadt feiert erolgreichen Start › WIR

A view into the interior of the beautifully designed buildings with striking oval light decks. Here before his long years in the Stadtbibliothek. (Photo: Wissenswerkstadt/Sarah Jonek)

13,000 visits at the opening week

Bielefeld – The Wissenswerkstadt Bielefeld has started inheritance. Am Openingswochenende Verzeichnete Bielefelds neue schlaue Adresse rund 13.000 Besuchende. The new Ort for the Australian Swiss Wissenschaft and Gesellschaft is one of the largest schnupper programs.

“We have been very happy with the start of the Wissenswerkstadt,” says Martin Knabenreich, Geschäftsführer at Betreibers Bielefeld Marketing. “The team still has no knowledge of the Kulissen equipment. Those who fell, perhaps positive feedback from people say to us, that’s who they lived with.”

The opening ceremony will be a small show experiment on the Vorplatz der Wissenswerkstadt, a design of the Ende Bielefelds Oberbürgermeister Pit Claus and a symbolic golden Schlüssel from a Box with Trockeneis cavity. Dann works at the Haus Gemeinsam with Martin Knabenreich, Prof’in. Dr. Angelika Epple, Rektorin der Universität Bielefeld, Prof’in. Dr. Ingeborg Schramm-Wölk, President of the Hochschule Bielefeld, Beate Wolff, Geschäftsführerin des Welthaus Bielefeld, and Friederike Kriete, Architektin von Hauer+Partner.

Viele Besuchende holen sich ersten Eindruck

Danach erkundeten de Menschen first years of the new institution, the lust machen will express itself and try out. The team of the Wissenswerkstadt has an idea of ​​the cooperation with a number of partners in a planned schnupper program.

“Our war is important, because the people in the first place in the world could achieve this, which was the art of being able to find them in the Wissenswerkstadt”, explains Giovanni Fusarelli, Co-Leiter of the Wissenswerkstadt. „Für einen Besuch besuch bei our braucht no one irgendeinen Abschluss. With exciting themes from science and research, you can learn more about them and find complex themes.”

1,000 Mal “Kreativität aus der Tüte”

This Herangehensweise comb me first Wochenende and: So we were “Bubble Tea Science” in the “Tüftelei” fast 800 Portions of the Getränks sister ammengerührt and nebenbei chemical Prinzipien clear. About 1,000 sets of “Kreativität aus der Tüte” went to the Leute and provided the discovery area of ​​the Besuchenden heraus.

If the “Creative Work” is a 200 square meter workstation mile, this can be a very hard test. Around 300 Jute beets were placed on the small prints of the visitors. If you want to get an idea of ​​the time you spend washing people.

Open dew point settings

Gleich four Dauerausstellungen feierten ihre Premiere: the Experimenterstations of the “teutolabs” of the University of Bielefeld, der Galerie-Raum “HSBI-Satellit” and the Ausstellung “DaVinci@HSBI” of the Hochschule Bielefeld, which provides the “Erlebnisraum Globale Nachhaltigkeit” of Welthaus Bielefeld. Discover the pop-up broadcast “Nix is ​​​​fine with the climate!” from Wissenswerkstadt. Auch die Bielefelder Tourist-Information feierte ihren Neustart in der Wissenswerkstadt after ihrem zug vom Neuen Rathaus.

The Wissenswerkstadt has a regular opening hours: between 10 and 18 o’clock. The entrance is free of charge. The exhibits can be examined. The “Tüftel-Nachmittage” or the “Upcycling-Café Textil” are regularly used.

Tickets must be purchased for the further workshop program from “Bubble Tea Science” to the “Einführung: 3D Printing” to “Schnupperkurs Siebdruck”. For Bildungseinrichtungen with Schulen, Offene Ganztage and the Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit, the Wissenswerkstadt can be a sub-program

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