
Roncalli: Kunst, Artistik und Genuss on Rathausplatz

Roncalli: Kunst, Artistik und Genuss on Rathausplatz

Bernhard Paul collaborates with Lili Paul-Roncalli and Ehefrau Eliana Larible-Paul | ©Jürgen Hammerschmid

Bernhard Paul, the Gründer von Roncalli, together with Lili Paul-Roncalli and Ehefrau Eliana Larible-Paul, has made a first attempt in the new renewed program “ARTistART” in his newly renovated Bel-etage of the Schwarzen Kameels.

This Circus Spectacle is art and artistic in a new poetic way of life.

„ARTistART“: A magical Zusammenspiel of Art and Zirkus

The program „ARTistART“ will be released on September 11. Zuschauer in a World, in art and circus miteinander verschmelzen. In a tribute to a great art teacher with Frida Kahlo and Keith Haring the artists see their creative atmosphere. Andy Warhol, from Roncalli, has made his first program as “wonderful circus of the world”. The Zuschauer became a sinless journey through the same kind of management, where the Art in Movement became experience.

Laughing and Staunen: Die Clowns und Artisten von Roncalli

Look how the clowns in Roncalli spectacle do not play. The würdige Weiß-Clown Gensi, the charming Matute and the idiosyncratic Canutito jun. provide humorous and exciting moments. Acrobatic is with the duo Iulia Galenchyk and Dmytro Turkeev, who are brilliant at Cirque du Soleil and “Got Talent España”. The Duo Cardio game is performed by the Perch-Balanceakt, where professor Wacko practices the audience with sporty Slapstick-Comedy and Trampolin-Acrobatik. Weltklasse youngsters are formed by Noel Aguilar, and at the moment they have the same kind of Andrey Romanovski, the Luftring-Künstlerin Alisa Shehter is the best Acrobat Zhenyu Li. The Trio Bokafi creates a spectacular spectacle with Sprungakrobatik, and the illusionist Alexandra Saabel enchants the audience with mysterious tricks.

Der Roncalli-Heißluftballon: A symbol of the Aufbruchs

The Zirkus program is just another highlight, the Wiener Publikum started with: the iconic Roncalli-Heißluftballon „Roncalli 1976“. This blue and white striped balloon, which has been flying through the city in recent years, is a poetic symbol for the imprint and its absence. Also in Vienna will see that Roncalli-Erleb has another dimension.

Lili Paul-Roncalli: A new Kontorsions-Act nur Wien

In the spotlight is the Rückkehr by Lili Paul-Roncalli in the Manege. The Tochter by Bernhard Paul and Eliana Larible-Paul are exclusively for the Wiener Publikum a ​​new contact number, the peculiarities for the Wien choreography. The sound of the berühmten weichen the Salvador Dalis images while the borders of the border open and an atemberaubende Show bien. For Lili Paul-Roncalli the management of his second home, and now in Vienna, this is a unique program.

Kulinarische Genüsse am Wiener Rathausplatz

In addition to the circus program, the Vienna City Hall Square also offers culinary highlights. The “Art of Food” pleasure mile invites visitors from Monday to Friday from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. and on Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to discover an international and secret speciality. On October 6, 2024, eight gourmet dishes were exquisitely composed from all world-renowned guests. Make sure that you can freely enjoy a unique atmosphere without a ghost that makes a culinary journey possible.