
Sgraffitohaus – Modernes Hotel with Rooftop-Bar in the Zentrum von Retz eröffnet

Sgraffitohaus – Modernes Hotel with Rooftop-Bar in the Zentrum von Retz eröffnet

sgrafit-Hotel endlich in Retz eröffnet

Tourism city Daniel Wöhrer (r.) congratulates Rebecca and Jürgen Freitag in the Rooftop Bar in the new hotel.

Franz Enzmann

IYou may not want to start again, if you make a different start after a hint of shifted. Now the new Sgrafit-Hotel in Retz with live music will be opened. At number 18 double bed room, a restaurant and a rooftop bar.

In the Zentrum der Weinstadt Retz I am from the decline of Wochenende, after the whole world, in the Sgraffito-Haus a hotel with 18 double bedtzimmern in your Pforten. For guests there are eleven stylish and modern apartments with fresh furnishings.

Im Dachgeschoß gibt is a rooftop bar and a restaurant with great artigem Ausblick for visitors and hotel guests. The team led a Geschäftsführerin Rebecca Freitag who was the guest. The Frühstücksbuffet is open from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Restaurant opening is from 5 p.m., in the Sonntag auch mittags. “Wir haben een saisonale Speisekarte”, erklärte die Geschäftsführerin.

During the recent Open House, Tourismusstadtrat Daniel Wöhrer and Altbürgermeister Karl Fenth examined the new Beherbergungsbetrieb in Herzen der Stadt. I think it is a shock absorber that raises the pedals of the pedal rider. Im Innenhof stehen Fahrradstellplätze and a Washingplatz for the Zweiräder reached. A cosmetics market is one of the best times in the hotel complex.

For the artistic figure of the walking and room space of the hotel building Fawe Immo de Grazer Malerin Dominika Köck, the man at Malen zeehen konnte. I would like to work on a Vernissage in the first stock presentation. I am responsible for the stock work that poses a problem for the hotel zimmer. “Für des Tourismus sind Hotelbetten in der Stadt mehr as erreulich“, meinte Stadtrat Wöhrer.

Jetzt is serious about it

Retzer Center