
Schlammling in Schleswig-Holstein wiederentdeckt – SAT.1 REGIONAL

Schlammling in Schleswig-Holstein wiederentdeckt – SAT.1 REGIONAL

Schlammling in Schleswig-Holstein wiederentdeckt – SAT.1 REGIONAL

My Rickelsbüller Koog at Rodenäs is a forrkommen der in Schleswig-Holstein vom Aussterben bedrohten Wasserpflanze Schlammling wiederentdeckt be. (Handout photo) Oliver Granke/Stiftung Naturschutz Schleswig-Holstein/dpa

A meadow bird rescue project that is in Schleswig-Holstein will make a selection of a new Vorkommen-verholfen. The Schlammling (Limosella aquatica) is in the Rickelsbüller Koog that grows up, teilte the Stiftung Naturschutz mit. “That is a botanical sensation”, says project leader Oliver Granke. The undistinguished and small secretive Pflanze is in the north of the Bundesland in Aussterben sad and is on the Red List 1.

Now the Schlammling could follow the expectations in a huge collection in the Rickelsbüller Koog. “It is perhaps better in those years that a number of years in Schleswig-Holstein plays a role”, says Granke.

Der Schlammling looks at the Angaben-zufolge nur noch dort, which are entstehen by the Combination from Wasserstandsschwankungen and the strong dynamics by Wasser and Weidetiere nahezu vegetation-free areas. Schlammböden an Fluss-, Seeoder Teichufern, aber auch Minigräben, die mehr, mal weniger überschwemmt since, since the perfect Standort for the Schlammling.

Together we will enjoy the Dornröschenschlaf

The biologist is vermutet, one of the best results of the bird projects of the small Pflanze zur Rückkehr in the Koog after the Danish Border Verholfen Hat. The summer is a team with a small spezialfräse, are flache minigräben, the following groups, on the fläche wiederhergestellt, which is in the wax of the past of the years that verfüllt are.

In the winter it is wonderful to cook with rainwater and to enjoy optimal living conditions during this period by Uferschnepfe and other Wat- and Wiesenvögeln gesorgt. If you are another joint bank of the Schlamming-freigelegt for a year, it is in 30 Zentimeter bands in the Boden geschlummert, while the foundation is busy with that again. By adding the waiters, the light and the optimal conditions can be lived through for a longer time.

Main brand of projects lies stubbornly on the selection of Uferschnepfe

Here you see the protection of the nature conservation for a very successful art with the Uferschnepfe (Limosa limosa). “It is a good thing that many other arts get a chance to play with geschützt”, says Granke.

The «Life-Limosa»-Projekt «Wo ist Greta?» from 2012 to 2023, most of the Lieblings-Lebensräume der Uferschnepfe and other Wat- and Wiesenvögel kümmert. The problems with the West Coast are Greta’s. Insgesamt haben den Angaben zufolge dieses Jahr 39 Brutpaare – soviele who schon long nicht mehr – im Koog gebrütet.