
KEP: UPS übernimmt Frigo-Trans

KEP: UPS übernimmt Frigo-Trans

UPS has connected the medium-term companies Frigo-Trans in Fußgönheim and the junior companies BPL (jointly “Frigo-Trans”). It concerns the US-American parcel and express service with. The transaction will take place in the fourth quarter of 2025, but it will be worth following the evaluations and approvals. No offers were made for the sales spread.

UPS Starts Healthcare Activities During Frigo-Trans-Zukauf Route

Durch den Zukauf baut UPS seine Aktivitäten im Health Care-Segment in Europa deutlich aus. This care is taken with regard to the plan, the health of the human beings, can improve their health with temperature control and ensure end-to-end solutions throughout Europe

“The rapid innovation in the pharmaceutical industry is giving us the opportunity to integrate cooling and deep cooling chains more deeply,” said Kate Gutmann, EVP and President of International, Healthcare and Supply Chain Solutions at UPS, U.S. Gutmann wrote, “Frigo-Trans is a partnership that offers a lost portfolio for our expertise and our travel, a prosperous experience for a complex healthcare logistics industry that will work in its business.”

Frigo-Trans-Lager uses the temperature zones

The Frigo-Trans network is set to a temperature of UPS at a lower temperature, the temperature sun of the Kryokonservierung (minus 196°C) to the temperature of the temperature (plus 15° to plus 25°C), a pan-European Kühlketten-Transportlösung that has a temperature control zeitkritische Speditionsleistungen. If the war between Frigo and Trans is one of the pioneers in the Speditions-Branche, the EU guideline for good distribution practices (BBP) can be followed more than ever.