
Veranstaltungsreihe befasst sich with dem Tod

Veranstaltungsreihe befasst sich with dem Tod

“Finally live! Den Tod in’s Leben holen”, so when the theme of a veranstaltungsreihe is reached, it dies with the transience of life. “Der Tod is omnipresent, but many repressions in it. The use of other devices with their own strong properties ensures good management and an Ehrlichkeit with itself. The lack of the todes can change once, the moment will last longer and ‘finally’ live. So he is in Text, with the Veranstalter der Reihe – the Volkshochschule, the ILE Iller-Roth-Biber, the ambulant Hospizgruppe Illertissen and the Quartersmanagement in the Area Seniors on the Markt Kellmünz – loaded.

Die Auftaktveranstaltung findet am Freitag, 20. September im Schützenheim in Kellmünz, Römerstraße 12, statt. Einlass is at 2 p.m. At 2:45 p.m. with Sabine Gessl, the outpatient Hospizgruppe Illertissen died during the frosts. At 4 p.m. the Vortrag von Josef Epp started with the theme “Endlich-leben!”. The financing of the renovation is free of charge. Für das leibliche Wohl sorts the “Soko” (Senioren- und Nachbarschaftshilfe Oberroth, Kellmünz Osterberg). Weitere Veranstaltungen with themes such as “Letzter Hilfe Kurs”, digitaler Nachlass, “Notfallkoffer” or the paving shapes have been planted and were then prepared.