
Dschungelcamp: Mobbing-Vorwürfe und reichliche Tränen

Dschungelcamp: Mobbing-Vorwürfe und reichliche Tränen

Jungle camp
Mobbing-Vorwürfe und reichliche Tränen

Zu Tränen-gerührt: Giulia Siegel and Georgina Fleur.

Zu Tränen-gerührt: Giulia Siegel and Georgina Fleur.

© Photo: RTL

Emotions and emotional range are eight in Dschungelcamp zu. A Promi-Camper packed at the end of the Sachen.

Welcome to Tränenreich! A day eight of “Ich bin ein Star – Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden” (new sequels via RTL+, follow the linear display at RTL) through the Tränen der Dschungel-Legenden of Camp in the South African Blyde River Canyon with its flowing lines. Fast schon im minute stroke the Camper becomes of his emotional übermannt. Make sure the wort gets confused and stirs. Sogar between Dschungel friends and -Bros strength is orderly. A legend has a great experience and verließ elucidates the Camp.

“They became massacres overnight”

Halbzeit in Dschungel-Camp der Legenden – and it’s a piece of cake that Fetzen. The Camper was present in two lower families: Giulia Siegel (49) and Georgina Fleur (34) were together in a “Vierer-Mob” affair. Here you see Elena Miras (32), Danni Büchner (46), Kader Loth (51) and “Anführer” Thorsten Legat (55) – mindestens. Eric Stehfest (35), who sympathizes with both, would like to know the reason that Giulia and Georgina are “rausgemobbt”: “They became my nights of mass crime.”

This is never the case. Vielmehr ergoss sich, angestoßen durch Eric, een Kaskade der Tränen über das Camp und de Folge. Eric weinte, weil er befürchtete, would be sucked into the angeblichen Mobbing-Strudel. It triggered wiederum Mola Adebisis (51) Tränenkanal. Mrs. Adelina’s mother – the Staffel woman who works in Mai gedreht – manages under Zucker and Bluthochdruck. Außerdem “were will not last so long, experience maximum pleasure”, so a schluchzender Mola.

“You think night and night and night… that’s crazy.”

Ebenfall’s sadly missing Elena Miras in her Tochter. Schon casteite sich danni Büchner unter Tränen: “It’s time to get, in the denen ich keine good Mutter war. Ich will meinen Kindern alles zurückgeben.” That is Sarah Knappik (37) who does not sit in her chair for long. “I missed my small one. I was so exhausted,” he said. Selbst Gigi Birofio (25) started with a good idea to see Job work as a Reality Star: “That’s a great job, that’s why I’m always laughing. After all, here in the camp, you think you fell, you know, Do you think this is crazy?

Then the war was first resolved with the flenne and was well organized. Zum Beispiel über Gigis Haltung, Senior Winfried Glatzeder (79) in the Night Watch of Schicken, and he himself is the Service of Drücken. Gigis Dschungel-Bro Eric Stehfest got respectless Verhalten ganz and gar nicht. Gigi jede Eignung zur Dschungel-Legende ab. Gigi now looks forward to seeing you again, “why all Eric has gone”. It’s a different sound of Eric saying with the Worten, “Let’s start playing.” A legitimate Nachfolger von Joey Heindles (31) legendärem Ausruf: “Let’s go to Rambo!”

Siegel bezeichnet Knappik as Camp “Stasi”

The best criticism is that, regardless, Giulia Siegel ab. No Besserwisser art is more than a legend. Wherever there was a night watch, nor Sarah Knappik, one of our few associates, fierce and. Sarah’s Fuhrungsstil als Camp-Leiterin in de zurückliegenden Tag verglich sie mit der “Stasi”. Erneut flossing tomorrow die Tränen, was for all Elena erzürnte. Ihre Kampfansage an Giulia: “Jetzt hat sie ein Problem mit mir.” Selbst Giulias noble Geste, in his camp, Zigaretten abzugeben, with all his Luxusgegenstände zurückbekamen, half the night. If it is pure “Taktik”, it is served. So look to Giulia Siegel for the Rest des Camps on a tough Stand.

Secure Stand Eric Stehfest and Gigi Birofio in the Dschungelprüfung. On the wooden planks that lie above the Blyde River Canyon, it should be possible for them both to recruit stars. A Gigis Wurfkünste war did not work out so well, so reichte is for the whole of eleven stars. For both they held a gelungen “Pair therapy”. Giulia Siegel has a day “with eight bis zehnen recht.”

In the absence of the camp, the moderator duo Sonja Zietlow (56) and Jan Köppen (41) are no more particularly exciting. Winfried Glatzeder himself is said to have experienced the appointment as “mentally at the end” and to have achieved one of his goals in the camp. If the last camp insasse ever lies, the streithähne and hens are behind them. His conclusion: “It was an adventure. You have to be surprised.”
