
Sparpläne: VW prepares the road for better economics | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony

Sparpläne: VW prepares the road for better economics | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony

Status: 11.09.2024 10:08 am

The next steps on the Sparpläne at Wolfsburger Autobauer Volkswagen became bigger. The reason for this is that they have been developed for 30 years.

Who is the Unternehmen am Dienstag Mitteilte, can die Kündigungsschreiben der Gewerkschaft zogestellt. VW has confirmed this step for a week. In concrete terms, one of the most common insurance products is the job guarantee. From July 2025, there will no longer be a credit application. It is a good idea to use the rate display for the development of the specialist or the functional function of the rate, together with the display of the Leiharbeit extension. Influenced by the use of the equipment for use: the general guarantee can be used for obtaining gilten azubis.


The VW plant in Wolfsburg. © Screenshot

6 minutes

The Ankündigung der Sparpläne at VW hat hohe Wellen geschlagen. Industry expert Ferdinand Dudenhöffer ordnet die Lage ein. (08.09.2024) 6 Min

Neuverhandlungen solen bare start

The Konzernvorstand has decided after the Beratungen the Kündigung der Verträge, this is one of the Konzernkreisen. The implementation of the new rules with the company and the operating council has started like this, this is the personal development of Gunnar Kilian. “The active phase is a phase in which an exploration takes place. This can be carried out, when a certain perspective will be chosen for a part of the purchase”, says Kilian. The rates for the VW-Entgelttarif will be adjusted. It is a fact that it is not now the case that a distorted picture is created. If you make an analysis, the critical low side of the core marking with a larger part of the time and the graduation program is no longer loose results. VW hat in Germany about 120,000 pieces, more than half the davon in Wolfsburg is geschäftigt.

Map: VW Works in Germany

Gewerkschaft: Schritt “completely unthought of”

Laut IG Metall ist with the quality of the so-called ‘paradoxerweise’ a solution for the tariff suspension of VW employees connected, who have made all tariff rules in Kraft Treten. For half of the Belegschaft, who before 2005 was one of the most evil high-flyers at the Volkswagen hat, he dies in a 35-hour week and damns one of his two hours more work and more money. “In general, the progress of Volkswagens is unconsidered, the new costs and the billion-dollar limit can finally crash”, says Gröger. Volkswagen itself has positioned itself as follows in the Signaling Mitteilung: “The reason for this is that we will be satisfied with the price since January 1994, but the conditions are not open since.”

Beschäftigte en Mitglieder der Gewerkschaft IG Metall demonstrates for the Volkswagen Group Future Center Europe in Potsdam © picture alliance/dpa Photo: Soeren Stache

SOUND: Four Days at VW: Is That Rescue? (11 minutes)

Betriebsrat: Historical Angriff auf Arbeitsplätze

Betriebsratschefin Daniela Cavallo spoke of a historical fear of work place and knowledge of the armed forces. The Unternehmen have now “wahr gemacht, wovon wir seit Tagen ausgehen”, like Cavallo. The business council chief said himself campferically: “We have good business conditions.” If you log in, you can “block other things”. Try the mehrarbeit en verstzungen. If there is a couple who now no longer dares, with the Unternehmen ins Gespräch zu kommen and herauszufinden, “worüber sie with our sprechen wollen”, so Cavallo.

Lies critique Umgang mit Belegschaft

Unterdessen has its own Economic Minister Olaf Lies (SPD). Work decisions are discussed. The parties must find each other and solutions. “To be confused, that out of the conversations becomes clear, that there are no location decisions”, is an economic support of the Landtag. Critical Words are for the corporate communication. It is an uninterested situation, which was turned around in the struggle with the problems and the consequences of waste. Art and welfare are “transgressive and the only style of the world that no longer exists”.

Well sought after Work in Emden

In the VW group, the state of Lower Saxony holds 20 percent of the voting rights. Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) and Julia’s representative Willie Hamburg (Grüne) sit on the control board, while the divorce has a right of veto in the country. We will be in Emden on Wednesday with the Betriebsrat about the active Lage Sprechen.

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Stephan Weil (SPD), Minister President of Lower Saxony, speaks for Festakt "50 years of wave production" I am VW Werk. © photo alliance/dpa Photo: Moritz Frankenberg

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Daniela Cavallo is involved in a Volkswagen bet. © Moritz Frankenberg/dpa Pool/dpa Photo: Moritz Frankenberg

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Das Volkswagenwerk in Wolfsburg. © NDR Photo: Julius Matuschik

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On a rotten flag is the logo "IGM" of the Gewerkschaft IG Metall see. © IG Metall

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Hello Lower Saxony | 10.09.2024 | 7:20 PM

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