
Zweiter Aachener Bürgerrat started durch

Zweiter Aachener Bürgerrat started durch

The two Aachener Citizens and Citizens are in Action. Jetzt worked with Oberbürgermeisterin Sibylle Keupen for the first time. Keupen grüßte das Gremium in Ratssaal des Aachener Rathauss and sprach de Teilnehmenden ihren tiefen Respekt and ihre Anerkennung aus: “The Engagement is not self-sensible and zeit Ihre tive Verbundenheit with our city. It is a larger undertaking that is no longer so good in Aachen when a city gets into trouble, while man is a city that is alive and healthy. I am dying of sorrow.”

In a Discussion with Mitarbeitenden der Verwaltung, der Bürgerinitiative “Bürgerrat für Aachen”, ehemaligen Mitgliedern des Bürgerrats 2023 und de Vorsitzenden des Bürgerforums, Mathias Dopatka, wurde de Entstehung und Bedeutung des Gremiums erläutert. Nachdem Heinrich Brötz, Dezernent voor Bildung, Jugend und Kultur, de active Fragestellung “Who can make Aachen more attractive for Families with Children?”

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Harry Rischar said that the professional upbringing of the family played an important role in the general debate about the war in the city. Moderator Lena Herlitzius explained to the newly married boarders and boarders of the second council the further ablauf and proposed the route for the attending city break, at the Belang van Familien in Aachen in the Blick gerückt wurden. If a lunch break has taken over the skills in the city of the group, a group will have the Indoor Playground on the former Lust-for-Life building under the Lupe nahm, a sweaty das Aquis Plaza is viewed and another way is used to put the artists of Detlef Kellermann on children’s rights visited.

With a certain brand on the family bed, there is concern for the residents to make a reach of the city center and to replace several stations. Abschließend versammelte man sich am Büchel, um the first Eindrücke zum Ausklang the first Erkundungstour gemeinsam zu reflecttieren. Dort gab Christoph Vogt, Geschäftsführer of de urban Entwicklungsgesellschaft Sega, een kurzen inhaltlichen Impulse van de stadtebaulichen Planen in de former Parkhaus-Areal.

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A Kommenden Wochenenden are the Citizens’ and Citizens’ Council under the moderation of the Beratungsunternehmens IKU die Dialooggestalter de verschiedenen Aspect van de active Themes Familie bearbeiten. The end of the Veranstaltungen soll ein Bürgerinnen- and Bürgergutachten was formed in the Empfehlungen and the Rat der Stadt Aachen since. Das Gutachten soll am 19. November im Bürgerforum des Rates vorgestellt wonen.

The citizen and citizen council is an important instrument, a citizen of the city in the sin of direct participation in political processes. When it comes down to it, the institutional problem is that the Gremium lies on a discussion forum. Through the opinion-sample between completely different people, exciting perspectives are made possible. Politics and administration have an unlimited recommendation from the citizenry. The participatory role of the citizen and citizen council is redefined every year. Because the own city, own ideas and perspectives in the field of discussions and others have their own ideas, the components can also be a set development.

If you would like to inform the new Citizens’ and Citizens’ Council, you will find more information at At Fragen, contact Albert Halfmann vom Fachbereich Bürgerinnen- und Bürgerdialog und Verwaltungsleitung under 0241/432-7223 or by e-mail under [email protected] to Verfügung.