
More personal dates may be added from this month

More personal dates may be added from this month

Young woman in suit traveling for business checking in at hotel reception

Please fill it out once!Image: E+ / domoyega

Holiday & free time

Lukas Armbrust

If you are staying at the Urlaub-Hotel and staying in a hotel, you can take the following step: If you are at the pool or the beach in the Sonn, you may have a better check-in than usual. As a rule, the belongings must delete their name, marriage, date of birth, passport data and the date of first overnight stay.

Watson is now on Whatsapp

Go to Whatsapp and Instagram: your watson update! Go here to Whatsapp with the highlights of the tags. Only once for Tag – no spam, no blah blah, no links. Versprochen! Did you get more information about Instagram? Here you can find our Broadcast channel.

The Spanish Internal Ministry has become bare, nor more data from Urlaubsreisenden ein. This message was written about the “Mallorca-Zeitung”. Demnach wurde schon vor drei Jahren ein entsprechendes Dekret (“Königlicher Erlass 933/2021 vom 26. Oktober”) verabschiedet.

Soul that Decrets ist, Terror and organizers of business can earn their money. Deshalb müssen Reisende can travel together with your home and postal address, Handy- sowie Festnetz number and for all details of the relevant bezahlung.

Hoteliers in Spain earn a penalty of 30,000 euros

It is possible that the credit card will be updated, the credit card will be changed, so the name of the credit card can be changed. If you are a minor, this is not the case with the business activities of the Mitreisenden.

For friends: the strict German data protections can not give any mistakes. A large place sets the Neuerung für Urlauber in: it is not that it does not work. Otherwise it looks different with the Spanish hoteliers.

Once this happens, the dates have only just begun: it is no longer possible to keep up to date with the needs of the Behörden. If you have a special online platform, the “Mallorca-Zeitung” is not yet displayed fully functional. We are not in possession of an information flight, which costs between 100 and 30,000 euros.

Urlaub in Spain: Verbände schreiben Protestbrief – mit Erfolg

Hoteliers are not affected by the legislative reforms, but also camping site hosts, travel agents, car rental services and booking platforms. The distributed work is all we can think of and can be done in no time.

The Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND) reported on a protest letter of nice travel reports, in the form of an “unreliable administrative burden” complained. During the reforms it became so that much was done, while people were at work in the house, the houses or the cars, or even one of the longer periods of the herauskramen of the time.

Another point of criticism: The purpose of the data is unclear and the accusation of terrorism can be dealt with by the organizer of the Kriminalität.

The stopped protest of the industry renegade: there is an investigation into Erfolg. Property of the previous dates of your travel trip from October 1. Laut “Mallorca-Zeitung” ist the starttermin nun but on December 2 be postponed.

If the German Italian is one or more of the most credible Urlaubsland at all. Every year you will see millions of tourists in the rich cities with antique monuments or the tragic Middle Lake Beaches. And then neither Pizza, Pasta and Gelato. A Träumchen.