
Heidenheim vs. Dortmund: Freude en Respekt at Holger Sanwald – Fußball

Heidenheim vs. Dortmund: Freude en Respekt at Holger Sanwald – Fußball

Heidenheim travels as a Tablenführer to Dortmund – one of the Ostalb-Club historicals Ort. Headmaster Sanwald is from Start angetan, warn for the BVB.

For the 1. FC Heidenheim the Saturday against Borussia Dortmund. Head of staff Holger Sanwald took the trip in the Ruhr area with the intestines. Before it was more than a year ago, it was the first punk winner of Swabia in the Fußball-Bundesliga – and it was the eighth German Meister Borussia Dortmund. With two defeats in the package war of the upward checkers zum BVB geist, after a four-time lower is 0:2 back, the end is still a 2:2. Now trip of the FCH back in Dortmund and again I am written Spieltag, again at Flutlicht and a September evening – but diesmal as Spitzenreiter.

Schon sechs Punkte more as beim letzten Mal

The tabulations after the second play are “a game in statistics, the natural way in which deception takes place”, as Sanwald for the party in the spare time of the German press agent. “Much greater is, this is a Mannschaft zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt, which a punk for a great Soul Classnerhalt makes a fahren konnte.”

It would be more if the days of the Vorsaison era, such as offensive man Adrian Beck, occurred. “Besser hätten wir s den Start nicht erträumen können”, says the 27-year anniversary of the first siege of the Heidenheimer in the first fünf Pflichtspielen. “Daran gilded is jetzt anzuknüpfen.” Why don’t you go to BVB?

Holger Sanwald: “It is a major challenge.”

The individual quality of the Dortmunder is “riesig”, so Sanwald. We are convinced that Stürmer Serhou Guirassy, ​​​​of VfB Stuttgart, will come and play for his debut for the Borussia team. Or the Nationalspieler Maximilian Beier, Waldemar Anton and Pascal Groß, the BVB in the summer of a slowdown. “There is a large Herausforderung, which amounts to more than 80,000 Zuschauern, and that BVB will be the best,” says Sanwald. Man Freue sich aber darauf – and the support of more than 3,000 FCH fans.

The Dortmund is not yet in the discovery phase. Given Frankfurt, we are very happy with each other at 2:0, in Bremen we are at 0:0. In Heidenheim it is worthwhile to visit the experienced Abgänge von Leistungsträgern – diesmal Tim Kleindienst, Jan-Niklas Beste and Eren Dinkci – who are also welcome in other areas.

Top start of the season for Wanner and Scienza

“Ob uns das auch auf Strecke gelingt, wird der Verlauf der Saison said,” said Sanwald. Was the Mannschaft nach dem personellen Umbruch bisher gezeigt hat, habe ihn auf jeden Fall “begeistert”, so of the 57 years. Paul Wanner of Bayern Munich and SSV Ulm has made Léo Scienza a Top-Start hinge leg. Captain Patrick Mainka and Mittelfeld-Abräumer Lennard Maloney continue with the Säulen tragedy in the Heidenheimer Team – and both kick into the Reserve of the BVB.

Before I made a trip to Dortmund, it was “Außergewöhnliches”, like Sanwald. Seit 30 Jahren steht schon an der Spitze der Heidenheimer Fußballer. There is a führte sie von der Landesbis in the Bundesliga. Gemeinsam with Trainer Frank Schmidt formed the Club of a Europapokalteilnehmer. Jetzt fährt is with my as Spitzenreiter zum BVB – and enjoys a great way to live in the city.