
HOCHDORF action has important points Minus: Newlat introduces “connections” for Angebot – HOCHDORF reacts absently | 11.09.24

HOCHDORF action has important points Minus: Newlat introduces “connections” for Angebot – HOCHDORF reacts absently | 11.09.24

With Newlat’s offer it is a matter of a connecting English trade, which the Italian group in the Mittwoch writes in response to a tomorrow’s liberalized Mitteilung from HOCHDORF. Sie wolle 93 Millionen Francs in Bar für das operative Geschäft (HOCHDORF Swiss Nutrition, HSN) zahlen.

The new message from HOCHDORF in the morning appeared press releases about the knowledge, which “more untrue statements”, writes the Italian group. So man am on September 9 a binding offer for an earlier and HSN-vorgelegt, the vom HOCHDORF-Administrative Council is no longer binding if they are not binding.

HOCHDORF himself has an idea in the Mitteilung vom Morgen, Newlat has done his utmost to achieve the Angebot for HSN. Vielmehr seien “unstrukturiert verschiedentlich rudimentäre Kaufansätze” be authorized.

Wederholtes interest

However, Newlat will not let that happen. The Group has “renewed its interest in the recruitment of HSN”. But the Administrative Council of HOCHDORF Holding has these interests behind it. On June 30, the new representative of the government began to draw up a restructuring plan for the interests of the lobbyist and the action.

If you notice new interests, a form from the Verwaltungsraad voor de Verkauf of HSN will be separated. “Trotz dieser clear Mitteilung erhielt Newlat keine weiteren Antworten oder Informationen”, so the Mitteilung. On August 28, HOCHDORF won in AS Partners a few funds that were won.

View payment terms

Newlat has in the middle of his life, his own offer a bar payment in the height of 93 million francs before. The offer from AS Equity Partners proposed by the Administrative Council in the height of 83 million francs hinges was not paid in bar. Therefore Newlats offer “an alternative to the action, so we will be aware of the security”.

In the liner Mitteilung vom Morgen, the HOCHDORF-Verwaltungsrat was clear, while the Angebot von Newlat was not clear, but it became easier to fly. If it is opaque, it is true that the Abzüge vom Unternehmenswert nor getätigt würden. “Der Kaufpreis wird im Vorschlag von Newlat, als im Vertrag mit AS Equity Partners, nicht fixiert”, heisst es dort

It is clear that the analogous company with AS Equity Partners has not come to terms with the debts of HOCHDORF Holding, which is sufficient to cover. “The shareholders and shareholders lose in both Szenarien their investments”, according to HOCHDORF.

An der SIX loses the HOCHDORF-Action am Mittwoch nach anfänglich deutlichen Gawinnen zeitweise 25.52 Prozent auf 2.34 Francs. I am a Tageshoch war which for the last time yielded an amount of 143.87 Prozent on 7.56 Francs nach oben geleidingen.


Highdorp (awp)