
Why in China the people of the Metropolises in the country die

Why in China the people of the Metropolises in the country die

Status: 13.08.2024 07:45

Lange Zeit galt in China: Wer in a Großstadt live, they are good. But the people in the metropolises and the like in the glück and smaller areas were hit in the back.

Liu Jinpeng is one of the fryer and prepared chicken nuggets and potatoes. An online order, the charitable foundation is available. Sein Laden can be found in the city center of Linquan, all in the West Anhuis. The central Chinese country is a relatively poor and a fact, it may be that a find is made in the big cities.

During the 31-year study of technical technicians who have been in Nanjing and Hefei equipment for a year, the city with jewels is run by millions of people. “The job war is not yet so stable, the month has not been so stable for so long, so long has my money aimed. A long time will be a more stable situation,” Liu said. “A friend of mine was beautiful in the gastronomy department, then has a sister company, and I am a Hefei to Linquan back, a my own business to start.”

Most people who earn Linquan are given money to earn. Here are small big companies, no good jobs. The only thing you can do is that you can do it yourself, so Liu. The heart is broken and it ends up on the Runden.

20 years of constantly changing jobs

In Laden von Yu Ling a few Straßen weiter gibt es schnelles, einfaches Essen auf die Hand: Kochtes Hühnerfleisch, mariniertes Schwein and Salate. At the age of 49, with my husband in October, Linquan sucked, a self-service machine. They both lived in Beijing for more than two years.

“Wir haben ganz unterschiede Arbeit gemacht, Autoreparatur, im Badehaus, im Restaurant gearbeitet”, erzählt sie. “Will no longer be civilized, it will be more than 20 years ago. We will no longer have children born in Beijing. We cannot do more than that, this work will be done, we will wollen uns ausruhen.” Nor does Yus Laden wirft in Linquan keinen großen Gewinn ab. Zurück nach Beijing cannot go any further.

Bürger erster en zweiter Klasse

The communist State and Party leadership undertakes the Bevölkerung in Land- and Stadtbewohner. If we start working in the Metropolen-kommt, we will no longer have diesel rights in the city, fewer social services and a poorer health care system. Filial debts on minor debts are becoming or increasing in the land of the zurückgelassen. The Soul, as a city to become a permanent home or to buy a living space, is now available for a limited period of time. Deswegen look at most problems in their home zurück.

So who Yu and his Mann. “The pace of life in the metropoles is fast, in the home is the same. Wenn we are still alive, it remains unsettled,” he said. “If you make more, people can make more money.”

Another Ground for my return to Anhui: In recent years, money in Beijing would be earned later. That fits in the picture. The Chinese economy would not be able to find the end of the strict zero-Covid policy. Debts on debts, a real estate crisis and a large amount of taxable debts to the company, young people who have a job can be. Support from state money is small. Pressure is great. Even a lot of well-qualified people can no longer afford to live in the city.

Die kleine Städte-gaten auf

A smaller night market is a shopping mall in Linquan: an essential restaurant with Chinese fast food, vegetables, tofu and noodle soup. If you are busy with your man for a year, show a small cart and a travel package, which is grilled at a higher level. The 28 years that you will find in the Tech-Metropole Hangzhou in a Fashion Mall as a model outfit.

“Of course a man can earn more in the big city. Manchmal is a fact, if he goes home, if he is schaue, was the eheform university for a living child, that is schon besser,” said Ren. “Aber the work was so intense, the pressure was so great. If there was a conflict, I was so erschöpft. Since I was so happy, here I am more free.”

With the fresh Nachrichttechniker Liu, the heute frittiertes Hähnchen purchased, I am happier in my own home. And the standard of living in the smaller city is a small town and the metropoles here, after 31 years: “Jetzt ist das Leben hier eigentlich auch gut. Shopping, Restaurants, Wohnen und Verkehr, dat ist alles OK”, he notes. “Dazu gives us a Vergnügungspark, a Zoo and Kinos. These small and large states are no longer as big as they used to be.”

Benjamin Eyssel, ARD Beijing, Tagesschau, 06.08.2024 13:06 Uhr